Elderly表示“年迈的”,如elderly people(老年人),不可与older互换。 Old brother/sister在口语中可表示“年龄大的兄弟姐妹”,但无长幼顺序的隐含意义。 英美用法差异 英式英语保留elder brother/sister的用法,而美式英语更倾向使用older brother/sister。 在正式文件或传统表述中(...
elder sistervsolder sister Both 'elder sister' and 'older sister' are correct, but 'older sister' is more commonly used in English. Both terms refer to a sister who is older than the speaker. Explained byJennifer Editor atTextRanch
As a layman not having much knowledge about English but at the face value of this question I would like to answer that Elder sister seems to be the right way of expressing rather than older sister. By telling elder sister, they may be either two or three year old elder than you...
Older: "My older sister has always been a role model for me." (Here, "older" simply indicates the relative age difference between siblings.) Elder: "The elders of the village were consulted on important decisions." (Here, "elder" emphasizes the respected position and wisdom of the older ...
lder vs. elder older['əʊldə] 年龄较大的,较老的 elder[ˈeldə] (两人中)年纪较长的(尤指家庭成员) ①She is two yearsolderthan me. 她比我大两岁。 ②Myeldersister is a lawyer. 我姐姐是律师。 语音打卡内容 Sh...
lder vs. elder 年龄较大的,较老的 elder[ˈeldə] (两人中)年纪较长的(尤指家庭成员) ① She is two years older than me. 她比我大两岁。 ② My elder sister is a lawyer. 我姐姐是律师。 语音打卡内容 We should take care of the old and the sick. The old feel the cold more than ...
lder vs. elder 年龄较大的,较老的 elder[ˈeldə] (两人中)年纪较长的(尤指家庭成员) ①She is two years older than me. 她比我大两岁。 ②My elder sister is a lawyer. 我姐姐是律师。 语音打卡内容 We should take care of the old and the sick. ...
In practice, this means that as an adjective, “elder” is used for people and not things. So we use phrases like “the elder sister” and “an elder statesman” (in which the adjective is a term of respect), but not “the elder chair” or “an elder vintage.” ...
“My elder sister is a doctor.”(我姐姐是医生。) “Respect your elders.”(尊重长辈。) 需注意,“elder”通常不单独使用,需搭配名词(如elder brother/sister),且不能与“than”连用。例如“He is elder than me”是错误的,应改为“He is older than me”。 语法限制:Elder的“特殊待遇” “Elder”的...