The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Maps, Skyrim Map Locations for items, characters, easter eggs and other game content, including Easter Eggs, Houses, Sacred Stone, Standing Stones, Word Walls, Locations, Camps, Caves, Cities, Farms, Forts, Groves, Holds, Jarl
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide Find in guide Interactive Maps Dawnstar Map Start tracking progressCreate a free account or Log in. Search Notes Show My Notes 0 Custom Checklists Show My Checklists 0 All Markers Hide Complete 0 Incomplete 34 Locations Hide Jarl's Castles 1 Mines 2 ...
The Map in the Character Menu displays several kinds of symbols to indicate the type of location represented. Undiscovered but known locations are black in color, while visited locations are white. When traveling around Skyrim, map icons appear on the co
For other uses, see Windhelm. Windhelm, also known as the City of Kings,[1] is a city located in northeastern Skyrim. It serves as the capital of Eastmarch Hold. It is also the oldest city in Skyrim, possibly the oldest city of man on Tamriel that is sti
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the fifth chapter in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls saga. Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned to Tamriel and the future of the Empire hangs in the balance. As Dragonborn, the prophesied hero born with the power of The...
《上古卷轴5:天际(The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim)》是一款奇幻类开放世界型动作角色扮演游戏。作品为上古卷轴系列的第五作,由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发、贝塞斯达软件公司发布于2011年11月11日,发布平台有Microsoft Windows、PlayStation 3和Xbox 360。 更新时间:2024-12-26 10:54:22 ...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the fifth chapter in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls saga. Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned to Tamriel and the future of the Empire hangs in the balance. As Dragonborn, the prophesied hero born with the power of The...
《上古卷轴V: 天际 VR》(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR)是备受赞誉的开放世界角色扮演游戏《上古卷轴V: 天际》的虚拟现实VR版本。如果你对这类VR游戏感兴趣,可以去VR游戏时间站(,这里有大量的中文汉化VR游戏下载推荐!剧情:游戏将玩家带入了天际省这个古老的幻想大陆,让你在虚拟现实中体验到...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (簡體中文, 英文, 繁體中文) 登入以評分 82124個評分 88% 6% 2% 1% 3% 遊戲和法律資訊 此商品表示您可下載此遊戲的 PS4™ 數位版及 PS5™ 數位版。 榮獲超過200項年度最佳遊戲大獎的《The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim》推出特別版,以令人驚艷的細緻畫面帶來史...
《上古卷轴5:天际重制版(The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim Special Edition)》是由Bethesda制作发行的一款RPG游戏,是《上古卷轴5:天际》的高清重制版本。与原作相比,B社对游戏画面进行了更为细致的加工,包括水体效果,叶片效果甚至是天气效果在内的画面都获得了相当大的提升。