阿德琳会欣然地以有用的材料交换你不需要的物品。鉴于某些晦涩的魔族契约,她无法在西罗帝尔或者战场进行交易。 召唤她之后,她就能为你和你的队友效劳。
王冠商店的物品可以在游戏内的王冠商店中购买。你需要王冠(一种游戏虚拟货币)才能在王冠商店内购买特殊物品。你可以购买 750、1500、3000、5500、14000和21000王冠组合包。此外,你也可以加入ESO Plus™会员,获取每月发放的王冠!了解更多关于会员福利的信息。. ...
Talk about articles and news posted on elderscrollsonline.com. Patch Notes & Hotfixes Read about the most recent changes to the game. Maintenance Announcements Stay up to date with the latest maintenances. General Category List General ESO Discussion ...
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/672681123Next Leave a ReplyCyngar ✭ I'll try to make this short and hope for some good feedback. I know pic...
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited 包含附加元件 The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Upgrade 移至遊戲 The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Gold Road HK$464.00+ 包含的遊戲 The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited 包含附加元件 The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road (Add On)The Elder Scrolls...
The casual nature of The Elder Scrolls Online helped Bethesda in this console version that shows the pros and the cons of the PC version. FULL REVIEW PlayStation 4 10 bt86bt Nov 15, 2021 Played for 8 years, and this is my favorite game that just gets better and bigger every year. Lov...
The Elder ..zos(B社母公司旗下的另一个工作室)出品的上古卷轴OL(简称eso)的第三个大型资料片埃斯维尔(埃斯维尔就是猫人故乡,当然这个资料片其实只包含北埃斯维尔)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited 包含附加元件The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road (Add On)The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Upgrade (Add On)The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle UpgradeThe Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Upgrade (Add On)The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor UpgradeThe Elder...
The Elder Scrolls® Online: ESO Plus - أشهر3 معلومات اللعبة والمعلومات القانونية هذا الاشتراك هو اشتراك مدفوع مست...