With those two core concepts in mind, here are a few of the best solo builds for both PvP and PvE inThe Elder Scrolls Online. Keep in mind that there are literally thousands of ways to customize your character, and there’s really no such thing as a “best” build. Whatever works for...
Of the three, the best build for Ember isElder Scrolls Online: High Isleis to make her a healer.Healers inElder Scrolls Onlineare an important point to playing in a party or in multiplayer; even if players choose to play solo, having a companion as the healer will help players take down...
For other uses, see Character Creation. Character Creation in The Elder Scrolls Online gives the user a multitude of options. First the player chooses the race, which corresponds to a set faction, unless the player has pre-ordered. Only those who have pr
Good class builds are the secret to a successful character. Learn more about class builds in Elder Scrolls Online and what makes a good build.
The best builds inElder Scrolls Onlineare centered around two things: class and specialized stat. The specialized stat will be either stamina, which is mostly used for melee attacks, and magicka, which is mostly used for ranged attacks. Players who want to be a DPS character will usually want...
Character and Guild Database for The Elder Scrolls Online with a lot of statistics for characters and guilds.
Watch our new video to get a taste of the diverse customization options you’ll have at your fingertips in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Even ifESOisn’t the single-playerElder Scrollsgame with a multiplayer option that some fans kind of hoped it would be, it’s certainly closer to that mark than it has been in years past. TheElder Scrolls Online’s Character Building and Gear Systems Are Some of the Best You’ll Find ...
Welcome to the “SOLO Sorcerer” Magicka Sorcerer Build for PvE in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). This build is optimized for solo play. Make sure to bookmark the link, as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. You can find more Sorcerer content on the website: Magic...
Character and Guild Database for The Elder Scrolls Online with a lot of statistics for characters and guilds.