Quests der Kämpfergilde in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Azzan Eine Rattenplage • Der glücklose Ladenbesitzer • Diebesnest • Newheims Flasche • Der wandernde Scholar • Der Stein der Heiligen Alessia Burz gro-Khash Die trostlose Mine • Amelions Schuld • Die Flüchtlinge...
Pilgrims are hearty folk, well-versed in the tomes of old. They profit in life by bartering in the market, or by persuading the weak-minded. They have a proficiency in getting people to like them, and love adventure. Pilgrim (Morrowind) Pilgrim (Oblivion
When thou enterest into Oblivion, Oblivion entereth into thee.Nai Tyrol-Llar Oblivion (also called the Void of Oblivion,[1] the Planes of Oblivion,[2] the Waters of Oblivion,[3] or the Outer Realms[4]), is a collective term used to describe one subset of
The game's first title, The Elder Scrolls: Arena, was released in 1994. Four additional main series games have since been released: Daggerfall (1996), Morrowind (2002), Oblivion (2006), and Skyrim (2011), as well as numerous spin-off titles such as Online (2014), Legends (2017), ...
Wiki The Elder Scrolls est un site communautaire auquel n’importe qui peut contribuer. Découvrez, partagez et ajoutez ce que vous savez !
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a singleplayer first-person and third-person ARPG and open world game in the The Elder Scrolls series. General information Tweak Guide Official support knowledgebase Oblivion Nexus - a large modding community Community Discussions for game series
Elder Scrolls 72,700 pages Explore Elder Scrolls Online Skyrim Games Community in:Oblivion: Altars,Nine Divines Altars,Oblivion: Locations Edit TheAltar of Talosis a small altar dedicated toTalos, one of theNine Divines, once known asTiber Septim. Altars to each of the Divines are located radial...
Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion Mobile Details Leaked On May 17th, leaked details regarding the canceled gameThe Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion Mobilewere made available to the public via Neogaf. In addition to general background information on the game, the leak provided several screenshots as wel...
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