Elder Scrolls Want to know the latest information about The Elder Scrolls Online, Skyrim, or other Elder Scrolls games? Look no further! The Elder Scrolls Wiki is the most comprehensive database for the entire Elder Scrolls series. It is dedicated to co
Located in the Bitter Coast region, it is considered the "Gateway to Vvardenfell," because it is the closest settlement to the mainland of Morrowind. Related Images...Affiliates of The Elder Scrolls WikiHelping out Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Wiki! Feel free to register and contribute to ...
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, the game's most recent expansion, has finally launched today; the PC pre-release is now completed, and the game is available on all platforms. If you've ever wondered what Vvardenfell looked like 700 years before the events of The Elder Scrolls III: ...
Morrowind Mods Morrowind Nexus Planet Elder Scrolls Morrowind Mods Poll Affiliates Elder Scrolls Wiki Elder Scrolls Sandbox Wiki Helplinks Help:Contents Help:Contributing Help:Editing Help:Managing Your Account Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fa...
Morroblivion, a full port/remake of Morrowind in theThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivionengine has been released and is availablehere. Skywind, a full port/remake of Morrowind inThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimengine is still in progress. More information can be foundhere. ...
Nicht zu versechseln mit Hrothgar. Wrothgar ist eine Region in The Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium und die erste PvE-Region, die über ein DLC eingeführt wurde. Wrothgar liegt im Nordosten der Provinz Hochfels, nördlich von Sturmhafen. Das Land wird p
Para el juego, ver "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind". Morrowind anteriormente denominado Dwemereth, Veloth, Resdayn y Dunmereth, es una provincia ubicada en la esquina noreste de Tamriel, limitando con Skyrim al oeste, con Cyrodiil al suroeste y con Ci
Alessia the Slave-Queen– blessed byAkatosh, leader of theSlave Rebellion Saint Kaladas– builder of theGreat Chapel of Zenithar The Redguards do not have traditional saints, but rather "Sword Saints" that range from mortal heroes to revered deities: ...
For other uses, see Locations. Locations are various places in The Elder Scrolls Online of varying function, design and purpose. Locations include such places as events, cities, towns, services, ruins, dungeons and more. Main article: Battlefields Battle
For other uses, see Leveled Creatures. Leveled Creatures are creatures whose health, magicka, and stamina are upgraded as the player gains levels — a feature introduced in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, not all charact