《The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim》特别版——“Creations”更新补丁说明 Patch NotesThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition2023年12月5日 本次《Skyrim》特别版更新的主要内容有:用于构建和共享社区制作内容的增强平台“Bethesda Game Studios Creations”,对Steam Deck的支持,以及为PC玩家提供的超宽显示器支...
Xbox Series X|S ●Xbox One●Nuage ABONNEZ-VOUS AU GAME PASSOBTENEZ-LE MAINTENANT COMMENCEZ VOTRE AVENTURE ELDER SCROLLS Joignez-vous à plus de 22 millions de joueurs dans ce JDR multijoueur en ligne primé et faites l’expérience d’une aventure sans limites dans un univers Elder Scro...
back to this website from a different device or browser, or delete cookies on your current browser, you will need to apply these settings again. In addition, if you access a different ZeniMax website or domain, you will need to apply your settings for that website or online game as ...
The Elder Scrollsis a series of primarily open-world role-playing video games developed byBethesda Softworksand set on the continent ofTamriel, amagic-infused universe with a complexhistory, politics, and environment. The game's first title,The Elder Scrolls: Arena, was released in 1994. Four ...
Xbox Series X|S Xbox One 發行日期 2017 年 6 月 5 日 購買遊戲 The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Gold Road 《The Elder Scrolls Online Collection:Gold Road》適合想要存取所有在 Tamriel的主要篇章區域及找到所有任務的冒險者。《Collection:Gold Road》包括 Gold Road 篇章 (上市時推出),以及主遊戲和...
What is The Elder Scrolls Online? Explore a vast, expanding online fantasy world built upon the lore and mythos of the award-winning The Elder Scrolls series. Join over 22 million players in the award-winning online multiplayer RPG and experience an ever-expanding story in a persi...
玩The Elder Scrolls: Arena 免费开玩 开始游戏 关于这款游戏 帝国战地法师贾格·萨恩背叛了皇帝乌列尔·赛普汀,将他囚禁在另一个维度,然后夺取了皇帝身份并登上了王位。在这种情况下,一个形单影只的囚犯必须前往泰姆瑞尔最著名、最危险的地点,收集混沌权杖碎片、营救皇帝并解放帝国。
The Elder Scrolls: Legends™ is an award- winning free-to-play strategy card game based on the world and lore of the Elder Scrolls series. Play for hours or minutes across many game modes that are easy to learn but challenging to master.
Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition brings the epic fantasy to life in stunning detail.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Upgrade Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim celebrates 10 years of adventuring in stunning detail. The Anniversary Edition includes a decade worth of content: the critically acclaimed core game and add-ons of Skyr...