Ebony Warrior is a mysterious Redguard warrior in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn who wears a full set of ebony armor. You are my last challenge. Only you can send me to Sovngarde with honor. Make your preparations. When you are ready, come find me at my
最近我重新开始玩《上古卷轴5:天际 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim》这款游戏。我很早以前就听说了黑檀岩战士的赫赫威名,知道在不远的将来他必会前来挑战,我自然不想打无准备之仗,于是,在60级的时候提前用控制台给自己复制了一个黑檀岩战士Ebony Warrior来当随从,我准备紧跟在后面观察他,揣摩他的进攻和防守模式,寻...
In comparison, Ebony gauntlets will reduce the AR of your hands by 14, using the same example it would make them an AR of -4. Shields The use of shields can improve your armor rating in specific areas. The fol- lowing chart outlines the bonuses and areas protected. Keep in mind that ...
For the city, see Vivec City. Lord Vivec the Warrior-Poet, also known as Vehk, Vivek,[3] and later Saint Vivec,[4] was one of the three immortal god-kings of Morrowind alongside Sotha Sil and Almalexia. A pillar of the Tribunal Temple and the patron of a
Blind Seer: Blindness and prophecy are two of the side effects associated with reading the titular scrolls. Cain and Abel: Orvas and Vedam Dren inMorrowind. Call a Smeerp a Rabbit: A metal used sinceMorrowindfor high-quality heavy armor is called ebony, with no relation to the real-world ...
如果主角达到81级,还可以开启一个梳妆打扮任务:Ebony Warrior 游戏截图 下载地址:PCGAME-The.Elder....
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim « Reply #9483 on: December 13, 2013, 06:46:17 pm » Quote from: HugoLuman on December 13, 2013, 06:17:50 pm and perhaps a master Dunmer smith to do ebony and glass. Perhaps not only Dunmer smiths. Sirollus Saccus, from The Armorer's Chal...
And, as the point of the ebony blade seemingly touches the sky, lightning flashes, thunder roars. Then total quiet descends and a shudder rolls through both armies. The leaders of both armies approach Reymon Ebonarm and kneel. In turn they tell their reasons for this war. Each asks for ...
Within the span of several months, Raven Rock was created, as an Imperial charter town that produced Ebony to Windhelm. However, with the port-town established, a power struggle had occurred between Falco Galenus, an Imperial prospector of the EEC, and Carnius Magius, the corrupt benefactor ...
Maiden / Summerset Shadow / Tyrhis Ulem / Ulundil / Ungrien / Valdr / Vantus Loreius / Willem / Dawnguard Novice Hakar - Dawnguard DLC / Dawnguard Vampire Hunter - Dawnguard DLC / Ebony Warrior - Dragonborn DLC / General Falx Carius - Dragonborn DLC / Sirkjorg - Dragonborn DLC (voice...