随意探索,随心所欲,玩出自我风格,一切尽在《The Elder Scrolls Online》。
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset is the next Chapter for the MMO, arriving on May 21st for PC/Mac and June 5th for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It includes the new zone of Summerset, the largest island of the province. The cinematic trailer features the long unseen Altmer Hero from...
《The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim》特别版——“Creations”更新补丁说明 Patch NotesThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition2023年12月5日 本次《Skyrim》特别版更新的主要内容有:用于构建和共享社区制作内容的增强平台“Bethesda Game Studios Creations”,对Steam Deck的支持,以及为PC玩家提供的超宽显示器支...
March 6 2025 Overview trailer released for Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition March 3 2025 A New Frontier for the Pokémon Series! Pokémon Legends: Z-A Is Coming in Late 2025! A Never-Before-Seen Adventure Awaits You in Lumiose City—Plus, Pokémon Battles Unlike Any in the Series!
O nouă poveste Elder Scrolls Pentru prima dată în The Elder Scrolls Online, un nou Daedric Prince pășește în Tamriel. Uitată chiar și de cei mai devotați adepți ai ei, Ithelia s-a întors. De ce s-a întors acum? Și care sunt planurile adep...
Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab Check out Fandom Quizzes and cha 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Regia di Antioch08, Arcky, Dmitry Bogdanov, Gkalian, Kozuke Hajime, Todd Howard, Kinggath, Neshkor, Jon Polenz, Miroslav Yegorov. Con Taher Chy, Nola Klop, Robyn Rybnik, Stig Sydtangen. After escaping execution, the last livi
For the item set, see Vampire Lord (Online Set). Vampire Lord is a power available in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard, that serves as an extension of traditional vampirism. During the quest "Bloodline," the Dragonborn chooses either to continue to assist
The Elder Scrolls Online- Summerset Trailer 《坦克世界》开发商新作《钢铁猎手》宣传片 网飞《鬼泣》动画全新预告 3i计划宣传片 《轩辕剑巅峰对决》宣传片 断空旋光 超凡来袭CSOL新地图硝烟战壕上线 《最后生还者》真人剧集第二季官方宣传片 动作PC新作《零秒》体验版 ...
From Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim, comes The Elder Scrolls: Blades – a classic dungeon crawler reimagined. The Blades, the Empir…