国产整活儿游戏《戒指里的老爷爷 | Elder Ring》Steam页面上线,介绍如下: 视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mK41197qk/ 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 因逃难你将元神躲进一枚戒指当中,没有肉身你只能跟着戒指一起随波逐流,碾转于修仙界。当戒指被人拾取时,你遇到的可能是嫉恶如仇的正道之士,可能是不...
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中国的独立游戏研发团队整活技术实验室(Funny as Hell),今日在 Steam 平台公开了研发中角色扮演新作《戒指里的老爷爷 Elder Ring》,故事描述神仙老爷爷遇到史上最大危机、失去肉身的神仙将元神躲进了戒指中,开始了这一连串的冒险…. 研发团队表示,主角捡到金手指开启外挂人生似乎是修仙作品常见的题材,但若是让玩家来扮...
国产整活儿游戏《戒指里的老爷爷 | Elder Ring》Steam页面上线,介绍如下: 视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mK41197qk/ 因逃难你将元神躲进一枚戒指当中,没有肉身你只能跟着戒指一起随波逐流,碾转于修仙界。当戒指被人拾取时,你遇到的可能是嫉恶如仇的正道之士,可能是不谙世事的练功狂人,也可能是...
KNOWN ELDEN THINGS |Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree's ESRB listing has plenty of new info for you, if you don't know what Elden Ring is Like that famous ‘You Died’ splash, you might recognise these not quite fresh details.
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OsInfo[31].Key=edition OsInfo[31].Value=Core OsInfo[32].Key=ring OsInfo[32].Value=Retail OsInfo[33].Key=expid OsInfo[34].Key=fconid OsInfo[34].Value=18299130,0,2,0;19638787,0,2,0;23531064,2,2,0;23562335,2,2,0;23563673,2,2,0;24172318,0,2,1;25704915,1,2,1;27336672,0...
KNOWN ELDEN THINGS |Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree's ESRB listing has plenty of new info for you, if you don't know what Elden Ring is Like that famous ‘You Died’ splash, you might recognise these not quite fresh details.
OsInfo[31].Key=edition OsInfo[31].Value=Core OsInfo[32].Key=ring OsInfo[32].Value=Retail OsInfo[33].Key=expid OsInfo[34].Key=fconid OsInfo[34].Value=18299130,0,2,0;19638787,0,2,0;23531064,2,2,0;23562335,2,2,0;23563673,2,2,0;24172318,0,2,1;25704915,1,2,1;27336672,0...