careinternationaleducationalexchangeThe number of elderly are increasing at a rapid rate in both Sweden and the United States. Despite differences in governance, size, and health care systems, the two countries share similar problems and, perhaps, similar responses to care of aging persons. ...
Copying music improved greatly in the 1990’s. The durability of the blank tapes improved, and dubbing from CD was infinitely better than recording tape to tape. Because of the improvements in quality, the cassettes we dubbed in the 90’s are still playable. Still, there is no comparison in...
In comparison, people who live with their families can grow up correctly and safety. Moreover parents do not have to worry about their children so much. Young adults can live with their families have a lot of advantages. They can take care of their parents or sisters. So, we make our b...
This study provides an exploratory cross-cultural comparison of the role of culture, elder-care demands, and interrole transitions within the work-family conflict context. The two main research questions were focused on how eldercare demands relate to familial collectivism, and how these two ...
Our goal was to compare healthcare costs between legally adjudicated EM victims and controls. Methods We used Medicare insurance claims to examine healthcare costs of EM victims in the 2?years surrounding initial mistreatment identification in comparison to matched controls. We adjusted costs using ...
Is the relationship between religiosity and filial elder-care norms declining? A comparison between two middle-aged generationsReligiosityfilial normselder-careBaby BoomersGeneration-Xmiddle-agelatent class analysisWe investigated whether religiosity among middle-aged adults in the Baby Boom generation and ...
BEIJING (China)VOLUNTEERSVOLUNTEER serviceELDER careCOMMUNITY organizationNONPROFIT organizationsWhile rich literature examines the relationship between volunteers and volunteer organizations, cross-sectoral difference in volunteer involvement remains under-researched. Most previous studies addre...
Residents of eldercare facilities depend on care staff to assist with Activities of Daily Living with varying degrees of dependency. Despite federal regulation for staffing standards, there is a question as to whether nursing home facilities adequately meet the needs of their residents. This study ...
Zhu, “Activity density map visualization and dissimilarity comparison for eldercare monitoring,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 16, no. 4, 2012, pp. 607-614.Wang, S.; Skubic, M.; Zhu, Y. Activity Density Map Visualization and Dissimilarity Comparison for ...
Eldercare volunteerNonprofit organizationVolunteer managementVolunteer organizationWhile rich literature examines the relationship between volunteers and volunteer organizations, cross-sectoral difference in volunteer involvement remains under-researched. Most previous studies addressed primarily nonprofit organizations but...