Elder Brain Crown of the Oathbreaker, the 916-page Dungeon and Dragons (D & D) 5e book is ready for download now! Grab Chapter 1 for FREE!
A major project during 1969/1970 was setting up my brain-child CATAM "Computer Aided Teaching of Applied Mathematics" (original name, later 'applied' changed to 'all'). It ran on a TSS8, a PDP8 with 32k memory plus an additional 256k drum memory and a dual magnetic tape machine with...
昨日,AME直播和inflame等人一起开黑,inflame评价游戏里的拍拍熊玩家,游戏风格很像雕哥(IG.Zhou Ti2冠军一号位)。这句话本身没什么,但是AME紧跟的一句评价却一石激起千层浪。 AME:像雕哥?那不就是不会玩么? 一瞬间整个YY都被干沉默了,这是一句攻击性极强的话。且不说雕哥已经退役十年了,锐评一个退役十年的...