The article discusses the underreporting of elder abuse in Australia as a result of a law the prohibits mandatory reporting of elder abuse without the victims consent, with comments from Victoria’s Westmead and Sunshi...
摘要: Australia's ageing population is growing and so too is the number of older persons who experience abuse. Divorce, ill-health, disability, the death of a partner关键词:human rights neglect abuse legislative reform 被引量: 4 年份: 2012 ...
When is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in 2025? World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in 2025 is on the Sunday, 15th of Jun (6/15/2025). World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is on the 166th day of 2025. There are 199 days left in the year....
Elder abuse is a global problem. However, notwithstanding its suspected prevalence, it remains relatively hidden, frequently occurring in the familial environment. Abuse against older persons violates a number of human rights including, for instance, the rights to security of the person; freedom from ...
Elder abusecan affect people of all ethnic backgrounds, social status and gender. An extract found in one of eight commissioned papers prepared for: 2020 A Vision for Aged Care In Australia - The Myer Foundation: Morbidity among Older People in Residential Care: ...
These requirements create shorter reporting deadlines for reporting crimes and abuse and higher fines for non-compliance. All staff will Abuse, neglect, and exploitation: Elder Abuse and Mandated Reporter This training will enforce the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) federal law ...
There is a whole field of elder abuse and neglect, and there is legal literature on how to address these issues,58 to what extent criminal laws are sufficient or enough, mandatory reporting, criminalisation and other legal avenues to address and combat elder abuse and neglect. So, this is ...
ABUSE of older peopleOLDER peoplePSYCHOLOGICAL abuseINDEPENDENT livingPHYSICAL abuseTELEPHONE interviewingThe National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study, conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, was the first major national study to gauge the prevalence and nature of elder abuse in Australia...
Elder Abuse in Migrant Communities in Australia: A Scoping ReviewView further author information PetersenView further author information
Trevitt, C., & Gallagher, E. (1996). Elder abuse in Canada and Australia: Implications for nurses. Internal Journal of Nursing Study, 33, 651-659. doi: 10.1016/S0020- 7489(96)00022-3Trevitt, C., & Gallagher, E. (1996). Elder abuse in Canada and Australia: implications for nurses...