Reports of Elder Abuse Surge in MassachusettsLazar, Kay
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey ...
Daughter and granddaughter accused of elder abuse in Massachusetts, stealing woman's Medicaid checks BROCKTON - Three women face a host of charges, including elder abuse, Medicaid fraud and larceny in the death of a 79-year-old Massachusetts woman last year. Eva Cardoso, 53, is the victim's...
Massachusetts law protects victims of elder abuse through its mandatory abuse reporting law and elder protective service program., mandated reporters, which include health care professionals, health aides, and social workers, must inform their local protective services agency when they see s...
Elder abuse shelters offer protection for Wisconsin seniors. Only 21 other states have shelters for victims of elder abuse. 2. Massachusetts Following Wisconsin, Massachusetts ranks as the second-best state for elder protection. It also spends the most of any state on protections against abuse of ...