Specializing in elder abuse and nursing home abuse, Gharibian Law fights for justice and protection of vulnerable elders. Respect Your Elders®
Each California elder abuse attorney at the Evans Law Firm provides objective and straightforward legal advice tailored to meet your unique situation.
California Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Prepared to Fight for Your Rights Yeroushalmi Law is a Los Angeles elder abuse firm exclusively dedicated to helping victims of nursing home and assisted living neglect and abuse. If your loved one is suffering from bed sores, broken bones, dehydration, malnu...
California Financial Elder Abuse Law in the Real Estate Context Vondran Legalon2/21/2024 ...Financial Elder Abuse Cases in California in the Real Estate context - This blog provides general legal information regarding the topic of financial elder abuse in California, with a focus on cases involvin...
California Passes Elder Abuse Law.California Passes Elder Abuse Law.The article reports that a recently passed California law requires employees of financial institutions to report to law enforcement or adult protective agencies if they suspect or know that financial elderly abuse is occurring. The repo...
Defenses to Elder Abuse Charges There are various types of elder abuse prohibited by California law: physical abuse, the infliction of mental suffering, and financial abuse. A common circumstances in an elder abuse case is one in which an elder adult gives a caretaker or family members valuable...
Southern California's Elder Abuse Lawyer Ramon E. Lewis The Law Offices Of Southern California’s Elder Abuse Attorney “After many years defending corporate owners of nursing homes, I decided I would rather help protect those who cannot protect themselves… My experience makes me uniquely qualified...
Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection ActFederalLegislative ReformState LegislationCalifornia is the fastest growing state in total population and has the most elders of any state. Between 2000 and 2040, the number of elders in California will grow more than twice as fast as in the ...
People leading their lives based on strong ethical principles are appalled by elder abuse in any form. Sadly, however, this is a growing problem in Southern California and across the U.S. Whether we attribute the rise in abuse of seniors primarily to economic pressures or a declining moral fa...
Do you have elderly parents or loved ones who you are concerned about? This blog is a great resource for learning more about elder abuse, its signs, and...