The evolution of legislation regarding the reporting of elder abuse and neglect is reviewed, as are relevant areas of common law, the Civil Code, and the Criminal Code. This is followed by an overview of practical considerations in clinical management, and finally by recommendations for further ...
However, there are many other issues that are covered by Elder law, such as, protection against elder abuse and fraud, retirement planning, Social Security benefits, consumer protection, nursing homes, landlord/tenant needs, mortgage assistance and discrimination, along with many more issues elderly ...
Justice Quarterly, 27(2), 206-224.Payne BK. Understanding Elder Sexual Abuse and the Criminal Justice System's Response: Comparisons to Elder Physical Abuse. Justice Quarterly, 2010;27(2):206-24.
Washington Attorney Born to Fight for You — Criminal Defense, Elder Abuse, Divorce and Family Law I wanted to become an attorney since I was eight years old. In my family growing up, we considered the legal profession something special. Attorneys did the right thing and never got pushed aro...
What Is the Punishment for Financial Abuse of the Elderly? The punishment for financial abuse of the elderly varies, but in almost all cases it is a felony and will be prosecuted as such.3Like any civil or criminal case, so much is dependent on the law and what is able to be proven....
The criminal justice system's response to these crimes is also addressed. The results show that offenders in elder patient abuse and patient neglect cases receive similar sentences. However, the dynamics surrounding the offenses are different in important ways. Patient neglect cases are more likely ...
The Neglect of Elder Neglect as a White-Collar Crime: Distinguishing Patient Neglect from Physical Abuse and the Criminal Justice System’s Response Brian K. Payne, Anita Blowers & Daniel B. Jarvis Pages 448-468 | Published online: 01 Jun 2011 Cite this article
Elder Abuse and the Criminal Justice System: An Uncertain Future.Generations previously published an article describing the recent phenomenon of criminalizing elder abuse and neglect. Obstacles and knowledge gaps which made effective intervention by professionals and agencies problematic were highlighted, and...
Elder abuse and the criminal justice system: new awareness, new responses. Generations. 2000;24:52--- 8.Heisler C. Elder abuse and the criminal justice system: New awareness, new responses. Abuse and Neglect of Older People. 2000;24(2):52-58....