There’s also another method for progressing White Mask Varre’s questline rather than participating in an Invasion. Various balance changes have also been made for the Greatsword, Curved Greatsword and Great Hammers, including reduced time needed to attack after rolling. The motion speed of ...
Look for a white message on the floor (adjacent to a Radagon statue). After finding it, stand on it and cast the Law of Regression incantation. This will spawn a new message. Inspect the message and then go to Goldmask and Corhyn and tell them about it. Once you’ve taken down Mor...
What do you get for completing Varre’s questline in Elden Ring? Taking him on will earn players his unique weapon, Varre’s Bouquet. However, players will need to fight the Nameless White Mask invaders found in the grounds around the palace to get his armor. His full armor se...
Added a new way to advance White Mask Varre’s questline other than participating in multiplayer invasion by defeating a new NPC Balance Changes Added the following adjustments to Greatsword, Curved Greatsword and Great Hammers: Reduced the time it takes for rolling to become possible aft...
The following is a Walkthrough guide to Elden Ring. The goal of this Walkthrough is to position the player in a way that they are able to complete the game without missing any content. It will not dictate equipment or quest choices, only highlight the op
The Hoslow armor set dropped by Juno Hoslow after killing him as a part of Volcano Manor’s questline. His invasion occurs in the northern Mountaintops of the Giants, east of the Shack of the Lofty. To get an alternate mask, you need to either complete Diallos’s questline or by kill...
Eventually, a statue will appear with a white message that says “Regression.” Use the Law of Regression and read the new message. Go back to Corhyn and then he and Goldmask will relocate south of the Stargazers Ruins to a new bridge. Speak with him and exhaust his dialogue. Now you...
Elden Ring has a roster of NPC quests that you can complete for unique weapons, armor and more. Here's a walkthrough of all NPC side quests in the game.
Elden Ring patch 1.06 has been released, which makes it easier to summon players, faster to attack, and easier to solo the game.
4 Church of Repose Bloody Finger Okina (NPC Invasion), Trolls, Giant Crows Rivers of Blood, Okina Mask, Sacred Tear, Somber Smithing Stone 8 (Teardrop Scarab), Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, Ash of War - Troll's Roar 5 Foot of the Forge Trolls, Giant Crows, Spiderhands, Lesser...