Stuck on an Elden Ring boss and want to know how to beat it? Here's a list of the game's main bosses, and some tough side bosses that you might encounter.
Of course, that’s if you can find the correct area to enter the arena from. Here is where you can find Dragonlord Placidusax in Elden Ring. Recommended Videos Screenshot by Gamepur Dragonlord Placidusax is hidden in the land of the Crumbling Farum Azula. This is one of the late-game...
任何Boss 都能从 Malenia 的影子克隆军中幸存下来 - Elden Ring GameZ-X 1 0 任何老板都能在离婚二人组中幸存下来吗 - Elden Ring GameZ-X 0 0 小丑叔叔给女孩的爸爸好好的上了一课 子烨电影 1872 1 「黑暗之魂5」还有谁要PVP? 米凯拉的剑鞘 17.4万 76 ANY Boss 能否在最强的补丁前流血狗 - ...
How to Defeat Dragonlord Placidusax in Elden Ring? Dragonlord Placidusax has one of the deadliest attack combos, and some of these track you around, so you need to strike and immediately get away from him. Also, his attacks have a short window, so you need to time your moves. ...
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (SotET) DLC armor list and locations guide, including how to get all new armor sets and clothes, and unique armor pieces in the Land of Shadow expansion.
Want to know how to duplicate Remembrances in Elden Ring? You'll need to find a Wandering Mausoleum to do so, but there are a few things you should know first.
Here are the locations to get all of the Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring, and the best places to unlock with them for valuable rewards.
Dragonlord Placidusax is one of the toughest secret bosses to find in Elden Ring. We'll help you track down his arena and defeat the mighty Dragonlord.
A guide on the best starting class to choose in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (SotET). Included are recommended starting classes for beginners, best classes for melee, magic, and hybrid builds, and a summary of all initial stats for all starting clas