Stuck on an Elden Ring boss and want to know how to beat it? Here's a list of the game's main bosses, and some tough side bosses that you might encounter.
Here are the locations to get all of the Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring, and the best places to unlock with them for valuable rewards.
To summon a Spirit in Elden Ring, you will need to first find the Spirit Caller’s Ash for that Spirit. Different Spirit Ashes unlock in different manners throughout the game. Once you have unlocked a Spirit Ash of a spirit, you can utilize the spirit to help you in combat when needed...
Elden Ring Guide is a complete walkthrough, the best Begginer's Guide, tips for all bosses, combat, Spectral Steed, mixing Wondrous Elixir. We describe Ashes of War, game variants, trophies and system requirements.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (SotET) DLC armor list and locations guide, including how to get all new armor sets and clothes, and unique armor pieces in the Land of Shadow expansion.
An easy character class is the mage, just like the main game. You can call yourMimic Tearashes to distract the bosses, then shoot spells from a safe distance. This makes most fights easy. Any fights where you are on your own can be won by running close to the boss to bait it into...
Getting to the Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes isn’t so simple. First, you’ll need to have visited Caelid and defeated Radahn, the Great Ruin boss of Redmane Castle. After this, a star will crash into the ground. Head to that location, which is near the Fort Haight West Site of Grace. ...
Mimic Tear Ashes – Nokron, Eternal City: Night’s Sacred Ground– Behind Imp Statue that requires Stonesword Key in a chest. Radahn Soldier Ashes – Caelid: War-Dead Catacombs– Can be found inside the War-Dead Catacombs, accessed through the desert area where you fight Redahn boss (can...
Okay, assuming you already have access to Nokron Eternal City, take out the Mimic Tear and make your way to the Ancestral Woods fast travel point. Those who’ve been doingWitch Ranni’s questwill remember this as the entrance toNight’s Sacred Ground. However, instead of going into the du...
Remember that you can summonSpirit Ashesfor this fight, making it much easier.Mimic Tear is an excellent pick for this fight, as it can also use any Holy Weapons or Incantations you have. This will increase your damage output to the boss. You can also useGolden Vowafter summoning Mimic Te...