虽然FS社仍未透露关于《艾尔登法环》DLC的消息,但据SteamDB信息显示,近日,《艾尔登法环》Steam后台中关于DLC的可下载内容数据有更新。 但是该更新没有写明名称,仅显示为“SteamDB Unknown App 2778580”,玩家们普遍认为官方会在不久后公布有关DLC的公告。该页面出现的其它内容为之前发布的数字艺术集、冒险指南等。
《花最少的钱,买到自己在steam上心仪的游戏》 ★游戏价格查询网址:https://steamdb.info/app/534380/ 一 、弄一个土耳区steam账号 1、魔法自己注册(5美刀充值卡解锁社区市场) 2、代改区 (10元) 3、代注册(自己的邮箱10元) VS ★ 不要买 成品账号(店长的邮箱) 二、花比steam上的官方售价 还要便宜的...
As speculation grows, questions arise about the nature of this DLC mention. The absence of previous DLC entries forElden Ringaligns with Steamworks' default DLC management under a base game's ID. While cautious optimism is warranted, the evidence suggests theElden RingDLC could be th...
Find out how many gamers are playing and watching Elden Ring right now on Steam and Twitch. Get up-to-date player and viewer count stats for the most popular games with GitHyp!
A recent update on the backend of Steam hints towards the possibility of news regarding the highly anticipated Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree dropping very soon. After a long silence since the announcement of Shadow of the Erdtree about a year ago,
《(Elden Ring)》的热度经过近3个月目前已经逐渐消退,据SteamDB数据显示,游戏目前在线人数最低值已经跌至57731,仅为峰值的6%不到,不过依旧有很多忠实玩家在孜孜不倦的游戏的各种奥秘。 …
Data from player-tracking websiteSteamDBshows Elden Ring has seen 112,406 players in the last 24 hours on Valve's platform, a spike which began in the days followingthe debut Shadow of the Erdtree trailer on February 21. Elden Ring had 45,866 players the day before,...
Elden Ring’s player count on SteamDB. According toSteamDB, over 100,000 people are playing Elden Ring at the time of writing (almost tea-time on a Tuesday afternoon). Over the weekend, peaks hit 110,000, and we can expect this weekend to surpass even that. This places Elden Ring nin...
《艾尔登法环》Steam配置要求上线后迅速被撤下 精彩视频 动身吧,褪色者!《艾尔登法环》今日发售! 《Elden Ring》中文预告 官中译名确定为艾尔登法环 《Elden Ring》泄露预告完整版 还是那熟悉的味道 《艾尔登法环》开场动画泄露 时长3分零13秒 热门攻略 《艾尔登法环》图文全剧情流程攻略 全支线...