Where to Find Sorceress Sellen in Elden Ring? Sorceress Sellen is an NPC in Elden Ring, whom you will come across early in the game. She is introduced as a disgraced member of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Working with her will award the player with several magic spells and gear items. ...
Ranni’s questline overlaps with a lot of other questlines in the game, includingSorcerer Rogier’s,Seluvis’s, andSorceress Sellen’s, to name a few. Don’t progress Ranni’s quest beyond this point if you want to complete other ones. Defeat Loretta, and this will allow you to enter ...
During Renna’s questline inElden Ring, Seluvis instructs players to find the exiled sorceress Sellen. Unfortunately, the player gets Seluvis’s Introduction but no hint at what location Sellen can be found at. Chances are, most players have been near her lair before, but it’s very ea...
Talk To Selivus, in Selivus’s tower in the southern region of Three Sisters. Mention Nokron and he will tell you to go to Sorceress Sellen in Limgrave. You can find her behind the Mad Pumpkinhead boss in the Waypoint Ruins. She will then ask you to kill General Radahn. Return To ...
If you want a Sorcery with better tracking (for dealing with foes who seem to dodge most projectiles), you can’t go wrong withStars of Ruin. You need to progress Sorceress Sellen’s questline a fair bit to acquire this, though.
Any of the Glintstone Crown headpieces are good for increasing Intelligence, but the best headgear for this build is Lusat’s Glintstone Crown, which can be obtained by returning to Lusat’s location in the Sellia Hideaway after completing Sorceress Sellen’s quest line. This headwear has ...
The Azur’s Glintstone armor set can only be found by completing Sorceress Sellen’s Questline and siding with her in the final fight. Once it is complete the armor will be on Primeval Sorcerer Azur in the Hermit Villiage. Perks:
Sorceress Sellen's ambitions inElden Ringare to overthrow the Carian Royal family and claim the Raya Lucaria Academy. The Tarnished may assist her in this mission in recompense for the sorcery training she provides. However, in her quest line's final moments, players are faced with one last ...
In this Elden Ring guide, I go over how you can complete Roderika's questline. Here is what you need to know.
Caelid: Sellia Hideaway– Given to you by Master Lusat during the Sorceress Sellen questline. He is behind a Sellian Seal, you will need the Sellian Sealbreaker Key from Sellen after showing her you have met with Sorcerer Azur by showing her the Comet Azur. ...