If the players visit the location at nighttime, the merchant is replaced by Bell Bearing Hunter. A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below. Rune Arc (4,000 Runes) Golden Sunflower (300 Runes) Perfume Bottle (2,000 Runes) Sentry’s Torch (7...
You can view all theDLC boss locationsat a glance using either our spoiler-free map (which shows no names) or our full map, which helps you keep track of each and every boss in the DLC. Further down, we've also written up entries on each of the bosses in the Elden Ring DLC, so ...
There is a secret to dealing with the Black Knife Assassins. The Hermit Merchant in the Capital Outskirts of Leyndell sells a Sentry Torch - which has the unique ability to illuminate the Black Knives, so long as it is held in your hand. Equip it to your off hand and they'll stop tr...
After obtaining both halves of theHaligtree Secret Medallionin Elden Ring, use them on the Grand Lift of Rold. Doing this will take you to the hidden path of the Haligtree, and inside it, you will reach the ghost town of Ordina Liturgical and get to solve the Ordina Liturgical Town P...