Ruptured Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. Causes the resulting concoction to explode. A defective crystal tear which possesses absolutely no medicinal qualities. A lesson said...
Elden Ring currently features a total of 32 Crystal Tears with 29 of them being unique. Specifically, the Crimson Crystal Tear, Cerulean Crystal Tear, and Ruptured Crystal Tear have 2 iterations of each and if you combine them, they become doubly potent....
Ruptured Crystal Tear Effects: It causes the concoction to explode. Location: There are two locations for the Ruptured Crystal Tear. First is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree east of the lake of Liurnia. The second one is dropped by defeating the Putrid Ava...
Erdtree Avatar Minor Erdtree (West Liurnia) Cerulean Crystal Tear, Ruptured Crystal Tear Edgar the Revenger (Invasion) Revenger's Shack (West Liurnia) Shabriri Grape, Banished Knight's Halberd +8, Raw Meat Dumpling Bols, Carian Knight Cuckoo Evergaol (West Liurnia) Greatblade Phalanx Sorcery...
Putrid Avatar Snowfield Minor Erdtree Thorny Cracked Tear, Ruptured Crystal Tear Night's Cavalry x2 (Night time only) Guarding caravan near Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace Night's Cavalry Set, Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater Consecrated Snowfield Frozen River Somber...
Teleport there and take down the Putrid Avatar to obtain the Ruptured Crystal Tear. Then, go down the road to the west until you reach the Ordina Liturgical Town. Activate the Site of Grace, but don’t go into this location right now. Instead, head to the frozen lake and grab the ...
Ruptured Crystal Tear Rune Arc Rusty Key Rya’s Necklace Sacramental Bud Sacred Tear Sanctuary Stone Seedbed Curse Sellia’s Secret Sewer-Gaol Key Sewing Needle Shabiri Grape Silver Firefly Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot Sliver of Meat Slumbering Eggs ...