Elden Ring is a massive game. The game hides a lot of secrets in places where nobody wants to venture, or places hidden in plain sight. Like the main legacy dungeons, Elden Ring offers51 small dungeonswhich have some unique bosses and rewards. One such example of mini-dungeons isCatacombs...
Ringed Finger Bludgeon made of an enormous finger sheathed in several heavy rings. Thought to have been cut from an ancestor of the Fingercreeper.Some life yet remains in this legacy of an ancient act of blasphemy, as evidenced by the barely perceptible warmth it still exudes....
Finger Seal (Sacred Seal) D Tier Weapons in this category are the best of the worst weapons available. Most of the basic items are in this tier. Players should replace these weapons as soon as they can. Here are all the available D Tiers in Elden Ring: Alabaster Lord’s Sword (Greatswo...
Ringed Finger 221 442 442 221 442 221 221 331.5 654.16 1237.6 Scepter of the All-Knowing 221 442 442 221 442 221 221 331.5 654.16 1237.6 Flowerstone Gavel 221 442 442 221 442 221 221 331.5 654.16 1237.6 Marika's Hammer 221 442 442 221 442 221 221 331.5 654.16 1237.6 Flail Flail 20...
wp_a_0819.partsbnd.dcx - Ringed Fingerwp_a_0820.partsbnd.dcx - Stone Clubwp_a_0821.partsbnd.dcx - Marika's Hammerwp_a_0850.partsbnd.dcx - Large Clubwp_a_0851.partsbnd.dcx - Great Clubwp_a_0852.partsbnd.dcx - Great Macewp_a_0854.partsbnd.dcx - Dragon Greatclawwp_a_0855....
Ringed Finger Bloodhound Knight Floth Ashes Mantis Blade Bloodhound Knight Full Armor Set Gelmir Knight Full Armor Set Related Elden Ring: Where To Find The Jar Cannon Weapon There are many great weapons in Elden Ring, but one of the most surprising is the Jar Cannon. Here's where...
Melee Armaments is an inventory category in Elden Ring and is the home of many weapons of many different weapon classes. Most can scale.
There’s a lot going on in Elden Ring, not just in terms of its story but also the various mechanics and systems working in the foreground and background. Whether you’re new to the game or a veteran of the Soulsborne formula, there’s a lot to learn. Check out the following guides...