(1)营地 每个营地都会安排红眼敌人(领袖),营地内的宝箱要击杀全部领袖才能开启。营地范围内不能召唤灵马。 (2)圆桌城堡 大赐福可以使头目刷新,但击败后不会重复掉落奖励。 (3)宁姆格福(边境墓地) 在通往湖区的断桥处增加一个小头目——落马骑兵 对调学院卷轴和皇室卷轴位置。 (4)盖利德 红狮子城增加赐福点“...
Elden Ring Mods Gameplay ERR - ELDEN RING Reforged Endorsements 10,075 Unique DLs 298,457 Total DLs 720,971 Total views 3,626,676 Version 1.2.7H Download: Manual Last updated 16 February 202510:35PM Original upload 03 April 202211:50AM ...
About this mod 这是针对ERR - Elden Ring Reforged的临时简体中文人工粗制汉化,大致意思都已到位。 Share Requirements Permissions and credits ERR的汉化已搁置许久,在此希望大家能玩上精校的简中翻译,该版本为ERR最新v1.2.6版本,包括百智法典,战灰重燃以及各类dlc新增内容的翻译,理论上重要内容翻译完全,有错...
《艾尔登法环》Elden Ring Reforged汉化MOD这是 ERR (Elden Ring Reforged) 模组的简体中文汉化补丁,ERR 模组在艾尔登法环原有基础上进行了多项改进,包括但不限于数值、Hitbox、镜头视角、新增BOSS / 装备 / 道具 / 游戏机制等。是款非常不错的MOD,感兴趣的玩家快来3DM下载吧!
MOD 简介 对法环的平衡和机制进行了彻底的改造。涵盖敌人、boss 战、UI、动画、装备、镜头表现等。包括用于 Boss 战的独特镜头、改进的敌人命中框以及修复了游戏许多问题。 《Elden Ring Reforged》旨在通过公平但仍然具有挑战性的战斗创造更加平衡的体验。这不是不会使得游戏变得更难或更容易,而是更有趣和平衡。由于...
Is it possible to take only one or a few features of the mod on their own, or remove a particular feature? KEYWORDS: Dodge animation, Title screen just I just updated to the new version, and it's saying my save file is corrupt ...
Double-click Launch ELDEN RING Reforged to start the game.NOTE: This isn't an official addon for ELDEN RING: Reforged - please don't report issues to the reforged developers and community.Speak with Kalé in the Church of Elleh (Kalé is always alive and non-hostile while the mod is loa...
3.1 Launch the game through the launch_elden_ring_seamlesscoop.exe at least once, so it can create new savefiles3.2 move elden_ring_seamless_coop.dll and seamlesscoopsettings.ini into Elden Loaders mods folder4. Install ERR- Elden Ring Reforged into your Mod Engine 2 ...
Tag this mod About this mod A fully realized first person conversion of Elden Ring. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Mirrors Changelogs VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Learn more Discover All games All mods ...