PS4PS5 Rs 4,162 Add to Cart Add to Cart Elden Ring key features Genre-defining gameplay Create your character and define your playstyle by experimenting with a wide variety of weapons, magical abilities and skills found throughout the world. You can also take the fight to the Colosseum's ...
Elden Ring key features A new fantasy world Unravel the mysteries of the Elden Ring’s power. Encounter adversaries with profound backgrounds, characters with their own unique motivations for helping or hindering your progress and fearsome creatures. World exploration in the Lands Between Traverse ...
ELDEN RING $59.99 SOTE Premium Bundle Shadow of the Erdtree expansion SOTE Digital Artbook & OST $49.99 $99.99 Add-Ons PS5PS4 MapELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree PS4 & PS5 $39.99 Ratings ELDEN RING PS4 & PS5 89% 3% 1% 1%
ELDEN RING PS4 & PS5 Iniciar sesión para calificar 136627 calificaciones 89 % 3 % 1 % 1 % 5 % Información legal y del juego Con este producto podrás descargar tanto la versión digital para PS4™ como la versión digital para PS5™ de este juego. ...
32 -- 3:13 App PS5 艾尔登法环 飞龙 亚基尔 ELDEN RING 打刀骑马斩杀 55 -- 1:00 App PS5 艾尔登法环ELDEN RING 太刀长牙 信仰战 初始之王 葛孚雷 57 -- 2:20 App PS5 艾尔登法环 ELDEN RING 太刀长牙 单挑 祖灵之王 28 -- 2:28 App PS5 艾尔登法环 ELDEN RING 太刀长牙 单挑 混种...
【传言《Elden Ring》将包含PVP】 一位之前曾正确爆料过内部人士「Omnipotent」在ResetERA论坛上确认《Elden Ring》将包含PVP和在线多人功能。 另外「Omnipotent」也谈到了前几天泄露的宣传片,表示这不是万代...
PS5 ELDEN RING 双肋差六周目 78746579236_bili 72 0 PS5 艾尔登法环六周目盾反“恶兆王”蒙葛特 78746579236_bili 16 0 索尼PS5 Pro 游戏主机爆料:比PS5 Slim贵 10-20%,性能高30-50% 神秘小飞碟 13.8万 185 生化危机4重制 这一脚你肯定没见过 甫甫结棍 7112 1 我太奶都能用这东西拿白王 燃烧弹...
Elden Ring PS5补丁说明 2 月 27 日,FromSoftware 宣布已修复导致 PS5 上“某些意外游戏关闭”的错误。昨天,开发商宣布已经做出改变,以“即使游戏没有终止”也能保存游戏进程。换句话说,不会再发生崩溃,也不会再丢失保存数据。除上述内容外,FromSoftware 表示将继续致力于其他未指定的错误修复和性能改进,但这...
Amazon has theElden Ring (PlayStation 4)for a low$19.99. Free shipping over $35 or with Prime. This is normally $39.99, so you save 50% off. FREEUpgrade to Digital PS5 Version Editor notes "Elden Ring is a massive iteration on what FromSoftware began with the Souls series, bringing it...
遗憾的是,Elden Ring并未实现跨平台连通。如果你在主机上游戏,就无法与PC上的朋友共享冒险。但它倒是支持跨世代游玩,无论是PS4还是PS5,或者Xbox系列,都能在合作或竞技模式下共同体验。唯独PC玩家被孤立在外,无法与任何平台的玩家配对。至于备受期待的《阴影之树》扩展包,目前尚无关于加入跨平台游玩的消息,...