据外媒报道,宫崎英高新作《Elden Ring》已经在亚马逊、百思买和GameStop上等国外零售商的网站上开启预购,售价59.99美元(约合416元人民币)。虽然商店页面上显示的发售日期是占位符,不过很显然零售商们已经在行动了。《Elden Ring》计划将于未来登陆PS4, Xbox One和PC平台。本作依旧由“黑魂之父”宫崎英高领衔制...
昨晚有Reddit网友分享了Gamestop的《Elden Ring》宣传物料;2021DICE游戏奖昨晚公布了获奖名单,《哈迪斯》获得了年度最佳游戏奖;罗素·克劳近日在某节目中宣布自己在《雷神4:爱与雷霆》中饰演宙斯;《破晓传说》Steam商店页面已开放,预购价格公布;《银河破裂者》将在秋季发售次世代版本后,将择日发售PS4和Xbox One版本;《...
宫崎英高新作《Elden Ring》已经在亚马逊、百思买和GameStop上等国外零售商的网站上开启预购,售价59.99美元(约合416元人民币)。商店页面上的发售日期还没有公布,不过应该在2020年内就能和玩家见面了。《Elden Ring》计划将于未来登陆PS4, Xbox One和PC平台。本作依旧由“老贼”宫崎英高领衔制作,世界观及剧情部...
Elden Ring Nightreign releases on May 30 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC. 11 days ago ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN | Official Launch Date Reveal Trailer Remain steadfast against the encroaching rain, Nightfarers. The Nightlord awaits your arrival. Make your landfall in Limveld ...
Elden Ring: Nightreign also won't have cross-play. There is the ability to play between console generations--PS4 owners with PS5 players, for example--but not across different platforms. From Software will havea network test for the action-RPG in February 2025. ...
昨晚有Reddit网友分享了Gamestop的《Elden Ring》宣传物料;2021DICE游戏奖昨晚公布了获奖名单,《哈迪斯》获得了年度最佳游戏奖;罗素·克劳近日在某节目中宣布自己在《雷神4:爱与雷霆》中饰演宙斯;《破晓传说》Steam商店页面已开放,预购价格公布;《银河破裂者》将在秋季发售次世代版本后,将择日发售PS4和Xbox One版本;《...
Can't decide whether to stick to daggers or go the Guts build. I had a much easier time fighting the big bosses with my duo daggers even though the hitbox...
In this guide, I'll go over everything you need to know about putting together a build in Elden Ring. This includes an explanation of what makes a good build, as well as a detailed overview of all of the best builds in the game and the stats and weapons you'll need to make them ...
The best new PS4 and PS5 video game releases of February 2022 With spectacular open worlds and formidable beat-em-ups, the new PS4 and new PS5 games coming this February should keep players entertained for the whole month and beyond. Elden Ring (February 25, 2022)...
game from them, you’ll receive a keychain of the spectral hawk from the game, which isn’t much, but as someone who loves to have some gaming swag on my keys when I go out, this at least gives you a reason to secureElden Ring: Nightreignfrom Gamestop as opposed ...