ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Premium Bundle PS4 & PS5 PS4PS5 Дополнение Shadow of the Erdtree Цифровойартбукисаундтрек SOTE Deluxe Edition PS4PS5 ELDEN RING Дополнение Shadow of the Erdtree Цифровойартбукиса...
ELDEN RING PS4 & PS5 Zum Bewerten anmelden 134543 Bewertungen 1 % 1 % 5 % Informationen zum Spiel und rechtliche Hinweise [Dieses Produkt berechtigt dich, die digitale PS4™-Version sowie die digitale PS5™-Version dieses Spiels herunterzuladen.] ...
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Поддерживаетсядо 6 игроковвсетис PS Plus 1игрок Издания: SOTE Edition PS4PS5 ELDEN RING Дополнение Shadow of the Erdtree UAH 2 199,00 Добавитьвкорзину ...
ELDEN RING PS4 & PS5 89% 3% 1% 1% 5% Game and Legal Info This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game. THE NEW FANTASY ACTION RPG. Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring...
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Begin an all-new story set in the Land of Shadow, one full of mystery, perilous dungeons, new enemies, weapons and equipment. Discover uncharted territories, face formidable adversaries and revel in the satisfying triumph of victory. Meet characters whose own st...
本製品を購入するとPS4版およびPS5版の両方をダウンロードが可能です。 【セット内容】 ■ELDEN RING(ゲーム本編) ■SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE(拡張DLC) ※本編と拡張DLCに加え、デジタルアートブック&サウンドトラックが付属する「ELDEN RING SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE D
PS4PS5 NEW EXPANSION Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Begin an all-new story set in the Land of Shadow, one full of mystery, perilous dungeons, new enemies, weapons and equipment. Discover uncharted territories, face formidable adversaries and revel in the satisfying triumph of victory. Meet ...
ELDEN RING доступнадлягризмоментупокупки. Видання Shadow of the Erdtree містить: • ELDEN RING • ELDEN RING —доповнення Shadow of the Erdtree ELDEN RING завоювалабагатонагород, вклю...
ELDEN RING €59,99 Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Premium Bundle PS4 & PS5 PS4PS5 Artbook et bande-son NEW EXPANSION Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Begin an all-new story set in the Land of Shadow, one full of mystery, perilous dungeons, new...