The expansion also does nothing to tidy the more frayed edges of Elden Ring’s PC port. Keyboard support is still a joke, with Xbox controller icons all over the menus even when there isn’t one plugged in, and you still can’t raise the 60fps cap without mods. Likewise, proper ultraw...
Sometimes, multi-platform games may suffer from a platform-specific outage only. For example, it’s possible that the multiplayer issue you’re experiencing right now is only happening on the PlayStation network while Xbox and PC players can play normally. Checking Elden Ring server status on Xb...
Xbox users are still waiting to play this game. | Image Credit: Game ScienceAccording to Game Science’s director, Feng Ji, the main obstacle lies in optimizing the game for the Xbox Series S. He says the process has mainly been hindered by its limited 10Gb shared memory. This has been...