Fia is the deathbed companion inElden Ring, and her questline’s sole purpose is to lie down with the Prince of Death, Godwyn. She wants to bring an age of Duskborn by completing the Elden Ring with the Rune of Death-Prince to achieve this goal. Fia’s questline occurs across most o...
White-faced Varre is one of the many NPCs you will find inElden Ringwith a questline to complete. Varre is a faithful knight of Mohg who is looking for potential recruits. He is also responsible for unlocking the online invasion mechanism in Elden Ring. In this guide, we will provide ...
Upon opening the chest, you’ll receive the Dark Moon Ring. Now go back to the Lake of Rot and travel to the Grand Cloister. Access the coffin in the area and you’ll be transported to the location of Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Defeat them and then venture on to the Moonlight...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现【预售】Elden Ring: Complete Guide with Walkthroughs, Tricks, Tips and Best Strategies的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于【预售】Elden Ring: Complete Guide with Walkth
important to under the full Elden Ring Wiki guide to better understand the game and the game story, Elden Ring is not an easy game by any
The St. Trina questline is one of the most vague and easy-to-miss side quests in Elden Ring. This guide can help you complete it.
Elden Ringhas many secret questlines for all the NPCs in the game. However, some of these are very obscure and hard to find and follow. This guide will help you complete Hyetta’s questline in Elden Ring by outlining the location of each Shabriri Grape. ...
In this guide, we’ll go over all the steps to complete Millicent’s questline inElden Ring.The guide below will cover all locations, bosses, and items you must find to reach the quest’s end. Without wasting any more time, let’s get into it. ...
Go to the southeast corner of Caelid and defeat one of the most difficult bosses of Elden Ring, Starscourge Radahn. Once you beat him, a large meteorite will fall in the Mistwood area, the eastern part of Limgrave. FYI As of the latest patch, this place is now marked on the map au...
We’ve prepared a guide where we’ll walk you through the most effective Progression Route in Elden Ring to reach the end quickly.