Elden Ring's Blasphemous Bladehas been and continues to be one of the most potent weapons throughoutElden Ring's history, with excellent Strength/Faith scaling, fire damage, health-regen effects, and massive range on its Ash of War. The expansion has given players even more options to buff ...
The Antspur Rapier is your offhand weapon for this build. Not only does this weapon have an inherent Scarlet Rot buildup, but with the Poison affinity, it will also cause Poison buildup per attack. This effect is improved by thePoisonous MistAsh of War which quickly spreads Poison in a ...
The main weapon of this build is the Milady Light Greatsword. The weapon has quite a swift moveset, which is only enhanced by imbuing it with the Wing Stance Ash of War. This weapon art was practically made for the Milady, unleashing either a flurry of powerful attacks (light attack) or...
Since the Ash of War on Bloodhound’s Fang can not be swapped out, we’ll go with the default one for both builds. This weapon comes with the Bloodhound’s Finesse Ash of War, which lets you execute an upward strike, which you can then follow up with a quick backstep, which is fina...
Elden Ring Battle Mage Build Overview Class:Astrologer Flask Spread:1 to 1 ratio of FP and HP Stats:Intelligence and Vigor (primary), Strength and Endurance (secondary) Weapons:Helphen’s Steeple Shield:Carian Knight Shield Ash of War:Ruinous Ghostflame and Spinning Weapon ...
Alright we've made it to the final dungeon, Crumbling Farum Azula, let's finish Elden Ring! Make your way toward the castle walls where you will find aSmithing Stone[8]. Look to the right at the end of the bridge and you will see a cracked wall where you can drop off onto some ...
Off-Hand Weapon: Lion Greatbow This has a much higher base damage than any other bow in this build, and also one of the best weapon skills called Radahn's Rain. This Ash of War is basically a much stronger variant than the Rain of Arrows, so it is going to deal more damage. Furth...
To the northwest of the Site of Grace, approach the tree to find anotherArteria Leafand then look west to spot a Teardrop Scarab that drops theAsh of War: Sky Shot. Now, rest at the Site of Grace to change the time of day to night and then rest again to trigger the appearance of...
Elden Ring Bleed Scythe Build Overview The Bleed Scythe Build builds upon the Scythe’s innate Bleed capabilities to deliver a build that quickly inflicts blood loss through the Spinning Weapon Ash of War. Class:Samurai Flask Spread:3 to 1 ratio of HP and FP ...
If you want, you can swap out the offhand/secondary weapons for both these builds with a shield Best Ashes of War Picks The Rivers of Blood Katana comes equipped with theCorpse PilerAsh of Warby default, and this will be the main way you’ll deal damage to your enemies. This Ash of ...