ERR - ELDEN RING Reforged 重铸: Map for Goblins 哥布林地图: 解压到mod目录下,按喜好命名mod名称,目录结构为"xxx\ModEngine\mod\Convergence"其中Convergence是自定义重命名, 打开"xxx\ModEngine\config_eldenring.t...
ERR - ELDEN RING Reforged 重铸: Map for Goblins 哥布林地图: 解压到mod目录下,按喜好命名mod名称,目录结构为"xxx\ModEngine\mod\Convergence"其中Convergence是自定义重命名, 打开"xxx\ModEngine\config_eldenring.t...
第一步:备份你的正版存档,这个MOD和其他MOD不同的地方在于他直接引用的是正版存档,所以最好手动备份,存档位置在X:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\EldenRing\一串数字\ER0000.sl2 第二步:下载Mod Engine 2 下载后,将Mod Engine 2解压缩至任意文件夹,内容如下图 第三步:下载MOD 第四步(关键):解压MOD到Mod E...
东西全在eldenring.exe里面,用看2进制文件打开后 RSA秘钥及目录信息 搜索"BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY"可以...
Hello, as you know, Elden Ring released a new update on 20th June 2024. After I update the game, the game don't launch when I execute 'launchmod_eldenring.bat'. Firstly, it opened a black window of Elden Ring, then the window terminated after a few seconds. 👍 1 ...
The log file from the 'debug' setting should be named:modengine_2023-02-24.log Here is an example of myconfig_eldenring.toml Note: I didn't put my DSL into a sub directory because I only run that mod. You will see that my mod path is only set to 'mod' that is because I extr...
《艾尔登法环》Elden Ring Reforged汉化MOD这是 ERR (Elden Ring Reforged) 模组的简体中文汉化补丁,ERR 模组在艾尔登法环原有基础上进行了多项改进,包括但不限于数值、Hitbox、镜头视角、新增BOSS / 装备 / 道具 / 游戏机制等。是款非常不错的MOD,感兴趣的玩家快来3DM下载吧!
A simple and effective guide to using mod engine 2 with seamless coop without having to dig through random articles on the nexus!(Now with a video guide!)
About this mod Hexinton's Elden Ring Cheat Table offers extensive control over your gameplay experience. Features item adding items, player status editing, scripts for various in-game actions, player enhancements (infinite HP/FP/SP, etc.), game manipulation (speed, time), and advanced features ...