Scaly Misbegotten Weak: Thrust Weak: Fire Low: Poison, Scarlet Rot, Bleed, Frostbite Soldier of Godrick Weak: Thrust Weak: Lightning Low: Poison, Scarlet Rot, Bleed, Frostbite Stonedigger Troll Weak: Slash Neutral: Fire, Lightning, Holy Low: Poison, Scarlet Rot, Bleed Tibia Mariner Weak: St...
There is a grand total of 83 bosses in the Elden Ring DLC, Shadow Of The Erdtree. To help you keep track of all those boss locations, we've put together two maps below. The first map isspoiler-free, and shows only the locations of each boss, without any names, so you can discover...
To obtain theGrafted Blade Greatswordin Elden Ring, head to Castle Morne to fight Leonine Misbegotten. Once you defeat him you will obtain the weapon. Twinblade (For Dexterity Builds) The Twinblade is an excellent early-game weapon that once upgraded with Ashes of War, can last you through ...
Continue through the tunnel to the south and head down the stairs to a platform with three Misbegotten, as well as a Golden Rune [2], and then deal with the Miners to the east to grab another Smithing Stone [1]. Since the way forward is through the tunnel to the west, ignore it fo...
You can get the sword by defeating the Leonine Misbegotten boss in Castle Morne which is pretty easy. But again, the stats are what make it difficult to wield at such an early stage of your adventure. 5. Dark Moon Greatsword Well, if you were waiting for something that makes every attac...