这场战斗显然持续了几个小时,但这并不确定,因为这场战斗的编年史者 u/Lawlknight 在其他一些情况下似乎确实美化了故事,例如当音乐发生变化或 Reddit 用户向游戏中的神灵祈求宽恕时. Mimic Tear Spirit Ash 是Elden Ring玩家的最爱,但在 1.03 补丁中与其他几个过于强大的武器一起被削弱,因此也就不足为奇了。 ...
击败拟泪者后,玩家可以找到与玩家角色一模一样的拟泪精灵灰烬,充当NPC合作帮手。回到 NG+ 中的这场 Boss 战,玩家可以在战斗中召唤这个 Mimic Tear 助手,这意味着战斗将涉及三个拥有完全相同武器和装备的玩家角色。 Reddit 用户讲述了当他们卸下所有武器和物品时发生的事情,这样两个 Mimic Tears 都将完全没有武装...
要获得 Mimic Tear 的灰烬,您需要解锁恩典之夜的圣地。如果你还没有,那么你就要开始一段旅程了,所以系好安全带。简短的版本是,您需要开始Ranni 任务,与棘手的Elden Ring 老板之一战斗:Starscourge Radahn,然后冒险深入 For Haight West 附近的地球,前往永恒之城 Nokron。假设你已经完成了所有这些,继续你快...
Location: Nokron, Eternal City – Siofra Aqueduct, after Mimic Tear boss head to the very north of Nokron and drop down the cliff where the blue Jellyfish are (available after Radahn boss, enter the hole north-west of Fort Haight West where the rocks are flying in the air to reach No...
在Elden Ring subreddit 上发布的一段剪辑中,Jackatakk333 跳进了指挥官 Niall 在 Castle Sol 的老板竞技场并召唤了一个 Mimic Tear。考虑到一些Elden Ring玩家对奶酪指挥官Niall所做的努力,这远非那些宣誓放弃 Spirit Ash Summons 的人可能会做出的令人震惊的行为。然而,当模仿者到来时,它迅速分裂成十多个玩家...
Stuck on an Elden Ring boss and want to know how to beat it? Here's a list of the game's main bosses, and some tough side bosses that you might encounter.
This guide explains where to find the Mimic Tear Ashen Remains location. Do not confuse with the boss having the same name – for the Mimic Tear boss (unrelated to the Ashens) refer toElden Ring Boss Guide. 1. Enter Nokron, Eternal City ...
InElden Ring,Spirit Ashes are ghostly entities that players can summon as companions to take on enemies. The absolute best Spirit Ash to summon when fighting Malenia is the Mimic Tear, a mini-boss that can consume up to 660 HP. Combining the Mimic Tear skill with heavy weapons will consiste...
Boss NameBoss LocationRewards Ancestor SpiritSiofra RiverAncestral Follower Ashes Dragonkin SoldierUpper Siofra RiverDragon Halberd Dragonkin Soldier of NokstellaAinsel RiverFrozen Lightning Spear Incantation Mimic TearNokron, Eternal CityLarval Tear x2 ...
艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 31 接肢 葛瑞克 / Godrick the Grafted / 龙手 大波波波东 93 0 01:24 艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 136 混种圣骑士 / Misbegotten Crusader / 黄金律法大剑 大波波波东 62 0 02:00 艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 104 双熔炉骑士 / Crucible Knight...