要获得 Mimic Tear 的灰烬,您需要解锁恩典之夜的圣地。如果你还没有,那么你就要开始一段旅程了,所以系好安全带。简短的版本是,您需要开始Ranni 任务,与棘手的Elden Ring 老板之一战斗:Starscourge Radahn,然后冒险深入 For Haight West 附近的地球,前往永恒之城 Nokron。假设你已经完成了所有这些,继续你快...
这场战斗显然持续了几个小时,但这并不确定,因为这场战斗的编年史者 u/Lawlknight 在其他一些情况下似乎确实美化了故事,例如当音乐发生变化或 Reddit 用户向游戏中的神灵祈求宽恕时. Mimic Tear Spirit Ash 是Elden Ring玩家的最爱,但在 1.03 补丁中与其他几个过于强大的武器一起被削弱,因此也就不足为奇了。 ...
Black Knife Tiche even surpasses the Mimic Tear as one of the best Summons available. For clarification, the Mimic Tear in Elden Ring is a slightly weaker version of the player, meaning that its effectiveness is directly correlated with aplayer's stats and abilities inElden Ring. On ...
NG+的一击伤害输出通常不低于400,但这两个分身只对对方造成了个位数的伤害。这场战斗显然持续了几个小时,但这并不确定,因为这场战斗的编年史者 u/Lawlknight 在其他一些情况下似乎确实美化了故事,例如当音乐发生变化或 Reddit 用户向游戏中的神灵祈求宽恕时. Mimic Tear Spirit Ash 是Elden Ring玩家的最爱,但在...
How to get Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring Getting to the Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes isn’t so simple. First, you’ll need to have visited Caelid and defeated Radahn, the Great Ruin boss of Redmane Castle. After this, a star will crash into the ground. Head to that location, wh...
A guide on how to get the Mimic Tear Legendary Spirit Ash in Elden Ring. Included are the ashen remains' exact location, requirements and conditions to obtain it, and other useful tips.
1Mimic Tear Ashes If you've ever been tackling an area, or a boss, and thought "wow, if only there were two of me," you're in luck. Behind an Imp Statue Door in Night's Sacred Ground lies the Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes, and it is the greatest tool in the game. It costs HP, ...
What to bring: Mimic Tear ashes For the first phase, you want to find opportunities to get close to the Beast Clergyman. He'll frequently use Bestial incantations to hurl boulders and stone fragments at you. Also watch out for his fast slashing combos. The safest way to deal with him is...
TheMimic Tear Ashis one of the strongest summons in Elden Ring, which is why it is locked behind an Imp Statue Seal in Siofra River. You need to make your way to the Night’s Sacred Ground by reaching the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace and then dropping down the ruins below. ...
然而,最显着的变化可能是对Elden Ring的 Mimic Tear Ash的削弱,游戏中最受欢迎的,并且可以说是最有用的精神召唤,让玩家可以召唤他们构建的精确副本。除了这些大改动之外,还应用了大量的小错误修复,以获得更流畅的 Elden Ring体验,包括修复了臭名昭著的错误,该错误会在升级某些武器时降低其统计数据。From...