q版梅琳娜(Melina)&菈妮(Ranni)CreationStudio 艾尔登法环(Elden Ring)哥哥姐姐都爱无限实验室IL 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 79.8万 79 00:13 App 当你在癫火封印门口偶遇梅琳娜 3.5万 30 00:47 App 【IGN】《艾尔登法环》Figuarts mini手办宣传视频 1170.1万 8955 03:37 千万播放...
Stuck on an Elden Ring boss and want to know how to beat it? Here's a list of the game's main bosses, and some tough side bosses that you might encounter.
When the fight starts, run past the boss and summon Noble Sorcerer Ashes on the side, the sorcerer will attack the boss and also draw his attention. Let the summoned NPC helper draw the attention of the boss, then attack the boss from behind (you do much more damage from behind!). Whe...
Melina is the first person you will encounter inElden Ring(apart from the Grafted Scion boss). Even though you “meet” her at the start of the game, your actual interaction with her takes some time, and when you finally properly meet, she offers you an accord. This guide will help you...
二、角色名:I.NPC:1. 放浪商人カーレ——MERCHANT KALÉ——“流浪商人”伽列2.白面のヴァレー ——WHITE-FACED VARRÉ——白面具梵雷3.メリナ——MELINA——梅琳娜4.放浪の民の商人 ——NOMADIC MERCHANT——流浪民族商人5.亜人のボック——BOC——亚人种柏克6. 魔術師セレン ——SORCERESS SELLEN—...
Melina RELATED:How to Complete Boc’s Quest in Elden Ring She will also be very grateful after you take her to the foot of the Erdtree, and at this point, she refers to you as a friend. The below quote taken from her dialogue proves this. ...
当大难不死的他被海浪冲上宁姆格福的岸边,本作的“防火女”梅琳娜(Melina)也会随之登场。 披着斗篷的独眼少女,左眼下有兽爪的刺青 梅琳娜是一位骑着灵魂骏马,在交界地旅行的失忆少女。据她说很久以前,她的肉身就被烧毁了,而她因此遗忘了自己本应肩负的使命,如今的梅琳娜以(不可思议的)灵体状态存活。 梅琳娜...
can do multiple hits and will be delayed in order to throw your timing off. What you want is to get in, do a quick jumping attack and run away. This is where having Melina helps because as soon as she becomes targeted, you can get a few more hits in as well as a jumping attac...