This guide shows all Elden Ring Spell Locations. Spells are Sorceries that you can cast using a mage’s staff. It is necessary to have a mage’s staff equipped, otherwise the Spells cannot be used. You also need sufficient mana (called FP in-game). When you run out of mana you can ...
To find a sorcery Staff in Elden Ring, you have to go to a specific location in the Land Between or start off as one of the classes with a staff (Prisoner or Astrologer). You must travel to the Demi-Human Forest Ruins in the Weeping Peninsula to find a staff early on in the Elden...
After entering the cave, drop down, and you will find the secret entrance. This entrance will open with the Sellian Sealbreaker that Sellen gave us. Inside, you will find Master Lusat, who will give you theStar of RuinSpell. After completing the task, return to Sellen to complete the se...
Sellia Crystal Tunnel is a location inElden Ringthat’s suitable for those who’ve leveled up further. However, it’s also possible to end up here if you’re just starting out. Here’s ourElden Ringguide to help you escape Sellia Crystal Tunnel as a newbie, or clear it later on once ...
Elden Ring has a roster of NPC quests that you can complete for unique weapons, armor and more. Here's a walkthrough of all NPC side quests in the game.
For non-DLC main game bosses refer toElden Ring Boss Guide (Main Game). Boss #1 – Blackgaol Knight Location:Gravesite Plain > Western Nameless Mausoleum Difficulty:5/10 Strategy:This is the first side boss you can encounter in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. If you are a mage and haven...
Wondering what kind of weapons you can acquire in Elden Ring? We've listed the ones we've found so far, along with their stat requirements and where to find them.
Here you can find a full Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough & Roadmap that shows how to 100% complete the story, including side questlines. How to Start Shadow of the Erdtree DLC and reach the Realm of Shadow To access the DLC you must first have beaten Shardbearer Mo...
Lusat’s Glintstone staff, obtained at Sellia, Town of Sorcery, is a great catalyst to go with this. While it has no skill, it has incredibly high sorcery damage scaling with Strength and Intelligence, which make it the catalyst with the highest damage potential in Elden Ring. As for ...
Creator A Smart Cow has uploaded their Master Chief Armor Gunnery mod toNexusMods, where any Elden Ring PC player can grab it. This makes a few significant changes to the game, the most obvious being that your player character will resemble Master Chief when the mod is active. Torrent alrea...