Melina is a character in Elden Ring. Melina is the deuteragonist of Elden Ring. She is a mysterious, spectral woman who offers an alliance with the Tarnished to help them on their journey to become Elden Lord. Melina may only be encountered when resting
2、未能成王的骑士 为了引导褪色者登上王座,双指派遣了指头女巫(finger maiden)作他们的助手。指头女巫是双指的信徒,她们能够向褪色者翻译双指以秘文写就的建言,指明他们的前进方向,还能将交界地的黄金卢恩转化为不受赐福的褪色者可以支配的力量。 据说,每个褪色者都应当搭配一个指头女巫——但现实并非如此。因为...
Elden Ring What Happens If You Refuse Melina? Can You Beat Elden Ring Without Melina? Elden Ring Melina Locations You will meet Melina shortly after starting your adventure in Elden Ring. She’s a self-anointed Finger Maiden you can find on your third visit to a Site of Grace. She will ...
Talisman are dropped by enemies and bosses in the game and found in chests around the Lands Between. A few Talismans are also sold by the Merchants in Elden Ring. Talismans cannot be upgraded in Elden Ring. You can find a stronger version of the same Talisman as treasure or in New Game...
Rest at the site of grace and you will be introduced toMelina, a woman who offers to play the role of maiden for you, allowing you to increase your level using Runes you collect. She also gives you theSpectral Steed Whistle, which allows you to summon the steedTorrent, allowing you to...
Elden Ring bosses, side activities, and secrets in each region This section will have additional activities that you can do on the side, as well as those that can be discovered while exploring the overworld. These are not specifically tied to the progression of the narrative arc. ...
about them. You can either say, “They’re human eyes,” or “Don’t say anything.” Select the first option, and she will be a bit troubled by the answer. Rest at the Site of Grace and interact with her again. She will reach a conclusion and decide to become a Finger Maiden. ...
These Bell Bearings can be offered to Twin Maiden Husk at the Roundtable Hold, allowing players to access the complete inventory of the merchant in question, making purchasing all the items from one spot easier. There are 40 merchants in Elden Ring scattered across its 13 regions. Finding all...
Elden Ring Maiden Blood Locations To complete Lord of Blood’s Favor, you need to find Maiden Blood and then soak a piece of white cloth in the blood. Here are two locations, you can find Maiden Blood in Elden Rings; Maiden Blood at Chapel of Anticipation ...
Elden Ring Twin Maiden Husks Location The Twin Maiden Husks are located in theRoundtable Hold. When you fast travel to the Roundtable Hold, go through the door on the left and proceed down the hall. You can find them in the room at the end of the hall. The door will onl...