Godskin Duo is a mandatory story boss, consisting of two enemies that you must fight at the same time. There is one slim enemy that uses mostly spells and sometimes melee attacks, and a larger enemy that uses mostly melee and likes to roll around. They have a shared health bar. When o...
Godskin Duo Defeated Godskin Duo Themandatory BossGodskin Duo can be found in the final area of the game, Farum, before the ending and you will run into them while progressing through the area towardsMaliketh the Black Blade. »Elden Ring Boss Guide – All Bosses Fire Giant Defeated Fir...
A guide on the best starting class to choose in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (SotET). Included are recommended starting classes for beginners, best classes for melee, magic, and hybrid builds, and a summary of all initial stats for all starting classes in the game. Best Starting Cla...
You’ll enter a room where you’ll face the Godskin Duo. Once you’ve defeated them, you’ll receive the Ash of War: Black Flame Tornado and the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing (4). Before leaving this room, make sure to activate the Dragon Temple Altar Site of Grace. Leave th...