方法:打开game文件目录,将最后一个steam_emu.ini用记事本打开,下翻找到Language,把等于号后面的English改成schinese希望大家游玩愉快,以后有能力的话记得补票 12楼2022-03-04 22:55 收起回复 贴吧用户_7JG246P 初到狭间 1 楼主,可以教教我具体怎么下载老头环嘛,我是真的超级想玩可是不知道怎么弄,之前试过...
RE: 《艾尔登法环 (Elden Ring)》 最新Cheat Engine的CT表(英文版)(v1.12 支持黄金树幽影DLC)
Elden Ring Game Boy demake 似乎是一种趋势的一部分,对吧?血源性的demake终于在二月份登陆了PC。这位创作者还在制作一款血源卡丁车赛车,同样采用经典的 PlayStation 图形。Game Boy 上的Elden Ring向过去迈出了更远的一步。但是,作为林克觉醒的粉丝,我觉得它看起来很酷。您也可以跟随 demake 的进度。Shintendo...
后来我才知道还有联机模式,上去试了试弹检测到作弊,没法联机了,网上搜了不少,看见有人在作弊被ban后替换回原版小蓝熊依然能联机,但我没备份过原版小蓝熊,删除这个文件验证完整性它检测不出来少了小蓝熊,希望大佬们能给我发一份试试看,就在steam\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game目录下名字叫start_protected_game...
AMD:使用 Radeon 设置在 Elden Ring 配置文件上将“等待垂直刷新”设置为“增强同步”、“快速同步”或...
Elden Ring Movie: George R.R. Martin Says He "Can't Say Too Much" Whether or not an Elden Ring movie gets made, or if Martin would be involved with it, remains unknown. 623 Every GameSpot 10/10 Review Score Getting a 10/10 is a rare occurrence here at GameSpot. Here's a full...
一位重要的记者表示,粉丝们不用再等几个月,就能看到更多From Software备受期待的动作RPG《Elden Ring》。在周五的GamesBeat视频中,以游戏领域的突发新闻故事而闻名的作家Jeff Grubb对Elden Ring缺席本周的The Game Awards发表了评论,该游戏获得了最受期待的游戏奖。"他们显然正在开发这款游戏...他们没有在这里展示它...
Elden Ring Guide is a complete walkthrough, the best Begginer's Guide, tips for all bosses, combat, Spectral Steed, mixing Wondrous Elixir. We describe Ashes of War, game variants, trophies and system requirements.
This game uses EasyAntiCheat protection, in order to launch this game without EAC, please follow these instructions: 1. Copy “start_protected_game.exe” to game install location\Game\ folder (the folder where eldenring.exe is located). ...
Elden Ring Nightreign Impression FromSoftware’s foray into crossing the Soulslike genre, Elden Ring, and adding battle royale elements represents a promising and interesting direction for the developer. RPGamer was able to experience six hours of the game’s first closed network test. News Feb...