Shadow of the Erdtree may be more Elden Ring, but it's changing the base experience in ways players probably never imagined.
- Because it looks like Freya, my little kitten, Freya. - Not only that-- so it's not just a cosmetic thing. And I feel bad because I'm just smashing giant scorpions. There's just buckets of blood on the sand. And then my little-- JENN PANATTONI: --fuzzball...
Sony Santa Monica’sGod of War (2018)is the only game in history to win “Game of the Year” honors at all five major year-end shows. With the SXSW Gaming Awards off the calendar, and afterElden Ring‘s victories atThe Game Awards, theDICE Awards, and theGDC Awards, it was looking...
Depois de voltar ao caminho certo, cheguei a uma encruzilhada (literalmente). No final da estrada principal pelo Gravesite Plain, cheguei a uma árvore onde a estrada se dividia. Por perto havia uma cruz amarela brilhante e alguns NPCs chamados Freya (um ex-aliado do nosso velho amigo Rad...
1110播放 《最终幻想7 核心危机 Reunion》首支中文预告片正式公布,本作预计2022年冬季登入PC、Xbox、PS和Switch平台。 864播放 《生化危机4 重制版》"艾什莉"真人脸模Ella Freya,这次不碍事啦! 12.0万播放 《北欧女神:极乐世界》新宣传片泄露 9月29日发售 登入PS5/PS4/PC平台 254播放02...
- Because it looks like Freya, my little kitten, Freya. - Not only that-- so it's not just a cosmetic thing. And I feel bad because I'm just smashing giant scorpions. There's just buckets of blood on the sand. And then my little-- JENN PANATTONI: --fuzzball. - My little...