Night's Cavalry(Night time only)Castle Morne Ramparts Main Road (Weeping Peninsula)Ash of War - Barricade Shield,Nightrider Flail Ancient Hero of ZamorWeeping Evergaol (Weeping Peninsula)Radagon's Scarseal Grafted ScionChapel of Anticipation (Starting Island)Ornamental Straight Sword,Golden Beast Cre...
It is weak to any weapon that does strike damage, such as a Flail, equip a weapon like this and keep attacking both of its legs, it will eventually fall down and you can critical strike its chest for huge damage, doing this twice will be enough, at close range it will pretty much o...
Deathbird: Location – west of the Weeping Peninsula Map | Weaknesses – Holy, Strike attacks, and Scarlet Rot | Drops – Sacrificial Axe Night’s Cavalry: Location – Castle Morne Rampart | Weaknesses – Lightning | Drops – Nightrider Flail and Ash of War: Barricade Shield ...
Decreased the travel distance and invincibility frames of Ash of War “Bloodhound Step” while adding the changes below: Reduced performance when used continuously; Increased travel distance when on light equip load. Shortened the activation interval when using “Quick Step” skill in succession, incre...
Drops theAsh of War - Poison Moth Flightand 8,500 Runes Night's Cavalry (Caelid) Night’s Cavalry Tips This fight is much more difficult if you’re on foot and aren't confident in parrying and dodging, so make sure to stay on Torrent. Use Rowa Raisins as needed to keep Torrent’s...
wp_a_1172.partsbnd.dcx - Shield of Nightwp_a_1209.partsbnd.dcx - Tooth Whipwp_a_1257.partsbnd.dcx - Serpent Flailwp_a_1337.partsbnd.dcx - Dryleaf Sealwp_a_1338.partsbnd.dcx - Staff of the Great Beyondwp_a_1343.partsbnd.dcx - Fire Knight's Sealwp_a_1344.partsbnd.dcx - ...
After defeating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, you’ll receive 80,000 Runes and Remembrance of the Naturalborn which can be traded with Enia at Roundtable Hold forAsh of War: Waves of Darknessor Bastard’s Stars flail. How to Cheese Astel ...
Flail: Bastard's Stars Location: Roundtable Hold - Exchange the Remembrance of the Naturalborn dropped by Astel. Skill: Nebula Scaling: Str E, Dex D, and Int C Attribute requirements: Str 8, Dex 22, and Int 22 Passive effect: N/A ...
Family Heads:This weapon is a flail that scales primarily off Dexterity with Strength and Intelligence as secondary scaling. Its Ash of War, Familial Rancor, releases tormented souls from their bondage, which then home on in enemies, damaging them. This weapon can be acquired by defeating Necroma...
Increased the range of Ash of War “Glintstone Pebble” and “Glintstone Dart” projectile while decreasing the damage and stagger power Decreased the travel distance and invincibility frames of Ash of War “Bloodhound Step” while adding the changes below: ・Reduced performance when used...