Fia is the deathbed companion inElden Ring, and her questline’s sole purpose is to lie down with the Prince of Death, Godwyn. She wants to bring an age of Duskborn by completing the Elden Ring with the Rune of Death-Prince to achieve this goal. Fia’s questline occurs across most o...
Fia's quest inElden Ringis one of the more involved NPC questlines you'll face during your journey, taking you all over the the Lands Between as you collect items and meet more weird friends and foes in order to advance it. This quest is second in complexity only toRanni’s quest, an...
In this guide, we'll cover how to find Fia and begin her quest, how to progress her storyline, the outcomes of choices you might make along the way, and how it'll affect Elden Ring's ending. As you'd imagine, this will contain some endgame spoilers, so leave now if you want to...
Fia seems at first like just another NPC inElden Ring’s hub area, theRoundtable Hold. Granted, she’s a bit odd right off the bat: From the first moment you step foot in the Hold, she’s eager to provide you with a warm embrace, a little bit of comfort in this dangerous world....
This Elden Ring Guide covers all of the currently known endings that can be unlocked at the final stage of your journey across the Lands Between. On this page,
Wondering how to defeat a certain boss or where to find that cool weapon? These Elden Ring guides will help guide you through your journey in the Lands Between.
Fia’s Set Fia’s armor set can be found after completing Fia’s questline the set will be where she originally could be found in the Roundtable (the room near Hewg). Perks: Poise 10 Finger Maiden Set The Finger Maiden armor set is on the dead finger maiden in the Church of Inhibiti...
Elden Ring - How To Beat Astel, Naturalborn Of The Void The final boss in Ranni's questline is a huge challenge, but overcoming it will gain you access to the most iconic weapon in From Software history. Apr 21, 2022 1:28pm 17 1 Elden Ring - How To Beat The Elden Beast Taking...
IGN's Elden Ring complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Elden Ring from the title screen to the final credits,
You’ll want to undertake Ranni’s quest now to obtain the Cursemark of Death. Once this is done, head to the Deeproot Depths. You’ll want to reach the Prince of Death’s Throne’s Site of Grace and speak to Fia. She’ll ask if you’re looking to kill her so ask for a hug...