乌合之众的两杆大烟枪创建的收藏夹艾尔登内容:=Elden Ring= 死眠少女菲亚 Fia, Deathbed Companion 解包纯净全语音合集 丨艾尔登法环,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Fia (voice) The Power(I)(2021) Ben Norris Rogier / Young-Voiced Protagonist 1, Type A (Male Protagonist 1) / Godskin Apostles (voice) The Archers(2007) Huw Parmenter D (voice) Close(I)(2019) Jim Johnson Dung Eater (voice)
在Elden Ring的游戏世界中,与Fia的互动可能隐藏着秘密。她似乎是一位友善的援助者,但在你与她拥抱时,会发现一个微妙的减益效果。在HP和FP的下方,会出现带有红色方块和向下箭头的状态图标,表示你的生命值减少了5%。这在面对挑战如玛吉特和戈德里克Boss战时,可能会对你的生存构成威胁。然而,Fia的拥...
To achieve this ending, you’ll need to have completed theFia Questlineand theRanni the Witch Questlineto the point where you receive the statue to invert Carian Hall. This will allow you toUse Mending Rune of the Death-Princeinstead of choosing toMend the Elden Ringafter the final boss ...
Elden Ring: Hardest Main Boss Face-Off Pick a winner The following bosses are not part of the essential Legacy Dungeons, though they are tougher and often more challenging than bosses found roaming the world or in smaller dungeons. These includes bosses found at the end of the large undergroun...
The world ofElden Ring, and its vast map, are downright huge. From green plains and rolling hills to fortresses surrounded by lava, you might find yourself overwhelmed by all the locations you can visit in The Lands Between. Don't worry, because we've got your back: Here's our Elden ...
Fia's quest inElden Ringis one of the more involved NPC questlines you'll face during your journey, taking you all over the the Lands Between as you collect items and meet more weird friends and foes in order to advance it. This quest is second in complexity only toRanni’s quest, an...
Step 1: Meet Fia Fia seems at first like just another NPC inElden Ring’s hub area, theRoundtable Hold. Granted, she’s a bit odd right off the bat: From the first moment you step foot in the Hold, she’s eager to provide you with a warm embrace, a little bit of comfort in ...
You could do this in the older games but had to face the boss eventually, in elden ring there is so much side content and other areas to explore you can almost ignore the main story entirely and complete it at your own leasure.The game does a great job of giving you enough freedom ...