Festering Bloody Finger Item for online play.(Can also be used from the Multiplayer menu.)Consumed upon use.Attempts an invasion of another player's world.If successful, you will arrive as an invader (Bloody Finger) with the objective of defeating the Host of Fingers of that world.This ...
Festering Bloody Finger (2000 Runes) Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 2 (2000 Runes) Volcano Manor Merchant Locations Home to a shard bearer and devourer of gods, Volcano Manor, is an extremely bleak place in the Western region of the Altus Plateau. Two merchants can be found in this place...
Tarnished's Furled Finger Small Golden Effigy Duelist's Furled Finger Small Red Effigy Bloody Finger Recusant Finger Festering Bloody Finger Phantom Bloody Finger Phantom Recusant Finger Phantom Great Rune White Cipher Ring Blue Cipher Ring Taunter's Tongue ...
So, in step five, you have to use these Festering Bloody Fingers three times to progress further in the Varre’s questline. You don’t have to kill anyone. Simply invading the other worlds will work for you. Go to the inventory, select the Festering Bloody Fingers from there, and hit ...
you need toinvade three worlds. It does not matter if you win, lose, or even close the session by leaving their world, it would still count as an invasion for the quest. To use the Festering Bloody Finger, head over to any place in the Lands Between and open the inventory to use it...
Fingers. Doing so will cause Varre to give you several Festering Bloody Fingers, which you can (and should) use to invade other players’ games. You only need to invade their game, not beat or even fight them. Once you invade, just use the Finger Severer to leave and return to your...
South of Raya Lucaria Academy, players will find Rose Church. Varre will be hanging out by the front door. He serves as the introduction to invasions and will give players the Festering Bloody Finger so they can invade other players’ games. To trigger his next dialog, players wil...
If you venture towards Murkwater Cave, then Bloody Finger Nerijus will invade you. Yura appears to help out and upon defeating Nerijus, the former can be north of Murkwater Cave. If Yura dies, then the overall questline becomes locked off so beware. Before tackling the invader, it’s ...
Find Varré at the Rose Church entrance. By now you should have spoken to Enia, the Finger Reader as part of the story. Answer his question with this response: “The Two Fingers seemed off.“ He gives you five “Festering Bloody Fingers” to invade enemy players. Use three of them (...
Festering Bloody Finger (1000 Runes) Sliver of Meat (500 Runes) Beast Liver (500 Runes) Lump of Flesh (800 Runes) Trina’s Lily (1000 Runes) Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [5] (1500 Runes) Armorer’s Cookbook [3] (2000 Runes)