Elden Ringhas many hidden puzzles which can be hard to figure out. Like many other locations in the game, the Converted Fringe Tower is locked and can only be accessed by solving a puzzle. The Converted Fringe Tower is a location in the Liurnia of the Lakes and two spells are waiting f...
Memory Stone #5 – Converted Tower A Memory Stone can be found at the top of theConverted Tower, in the west of Liurnia Lake and the Raya Lucaria Academy, near the minor Erdtree. To get inside the tower, climb the decayed part of the tower to get to the second level of the Conver...
Tower of Return is a location in Elden Ring. A dilapidated watchtower occupied by Godrick's forces. A treasure chest at the top is enchanted with a spell which will teleport the player to Leyndell, Royal Capital, to fight a Guardian Golem and retrieve a
Elden Ring Guardians' Garrison Location Guide | Where To Find Bosses, Items, Dungeons, Site of Grace, Merchants and more.
Caelid: Sellia Hideaway– Obtained once you defeat the boss at the end of the tunnels behind the fog door, the Putrid Crystalian trio (Staff, Ringblade & Spear). Eternal Darkness Caelid: Swamp Lookout Tower– Found in the bottom of the tower in a cell guarded by a more powerful enemy...
Souls by George R. R. Martin. Elden Ring Guide is a complete walkthrough, the best Begginer's Guide, tips for all bosses, combat, Spectral Steed, mixing Wondrous Elixir. We describe Ashes of War, game variants, trophies and system requirements....
Ash of War: Giant Hunt – Liurnia of the Lakes: Converted Fringe Tower– Defeat the Giant outside the tower to receive this. Ash of War: Sacred Order – Atlas Plateau: Abandoned Coffin– Northwest of the site of grace, you can find a Teardrop Scarab that drops this. ...
In this Elden Ring Cliffbottom Catacombs walkthrough, we’ll tell you where to find the dungeon, what enemies you’ll encounter, and how to survive long enough to snag some fantastic loot.Guide Converted Tower The Converted Tower in southwest Liurnia is one of several towers (or “rises”)...
The Land of Shadow is a dangerous place inElden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, and your existing build won’t be enough to contend with the dozens of bosses waiting for you in the DLC. Instead, Shadow of the Erdtree has a unique progression system involving new items calledScadutree Fragmen...
One can be found in a chest on the top floor of the Converted Tower in western Liurnia of the Lakes. One is a reward for defeating Red Wolf of Radagon at Raya Lucaria Academy. One can be found in a chest at the top floor of Testu’s Rise in northern Liurnia of the Lakes. ...