②弑神者(击败湖区神授塔神皮使者)敏捷+1,信仰+2祷告FP消耗-4%弑神系祷告伤害+1.5%,黑炎灼烧持续+2秒*黑炎存续时,目标减伤-15%,玩家武器攻击消耗减半,祷告FP消耗-25%Deal decreased damage when two-handing by 7% (applied after the 8% damage boost) [OR] power stancing by 13% ③海摩(击败赛利亚...
(1)营地 每个营地都会安排红眼敌人(领袖),营地内的宝箱要击杀全部领袖才能开启。营地范围内不能召唤灵马。 (2)圆桌城堡 大赐福可以使头目刷新,但击败后不会重复掉落奖励。 (3)宁姆格福(边境墓地) 在通往湖区的断桥处增加一个小头目——落马骑兵 对调学院卷轴和皇室卷轴位置。 (4)盖利德 红狮子城增加赐福点“...
A thorough revision of ELDEN RING's balance and mechanics. Covers enemies, boss fights, hitboxes, animations, equipment, the camera, and more. Includes many new gameplay mechanics to add to the ELDEN RING experience. Share Requirements
《艾尔登法环》Elden Ring Reforged汉化MOD这是 ERR (Elden Ring Reforged) 模组的简体中文汉化补丁,ERR 模组在艾尔登法环原有基础上进行了多项改进,包括但不限于数值、Hitbox、镜头视角、新增BOSS / 装备 / 道具 / 游戏机制等。是款非常不错的MOD,感兴趣的玩家快来3DM下载吧!
Elden Ring Reforged Reforged is a similarly expansive overhaul to The Convergence. To differentiate them at a high level, I'd say Reforged has a bigger focus on revamping Elden Ring's basic mechanics. It rebalances every piece of gear, adjusts enemy hitboxes, introduces new block and dodge ...
Some languages have partial English text - let me know if you'd like to contribute to or fix a localization.Mods that add new items, such as weapons and armor in The Convergence and ELDEN RING Reforged, will also have these new items available in the appropriate shop menus....
《Elden Ring Reforged》旨在通过公平但仍然具有挑战性的战斗创造更加平衡的体验。这不是不会使得游戏变得更难或更容易,而是更有趣和平衡。由于这是一个模组,它与在线游戏不兼容,如果在线使用将导致被ban。 必须安装的前置依赖:Elden ring Mod Engine 2 - 玩家动力 (wanjiadongli.com) ...
To launch the mod, run the "Launch ELDEN RING Reforged" executable (the Launcher).The Launcher will lead you through any steps you need to do to finalize the installation.The Launcher will also try to point out issues via warnings. Read them carefully.After the initial installation, the ...
This was made using Elden Ring Reforged version 0.9.4. If newer versions of ERR updates maps, then this will need an update. If maps were not altered in newer versions of ERR, then this should still be compatible. Mod manager download ...
(Fandom是一个由爱好者创造、编辑的百科网站,拥有众多热门游戏及其扩展内容的专属页面,目前Elden Ring Reforged的介绍内容稍微落后mod版本,但主要改动依然具备参考价值)本文主要介绍ERR新增内容和主要机制的修改。(帧数以30为基准)一、新功能 1. 难度与游戏模式 ...