1 打开文件夹找到OnlineFix.ini打开 2 修改Main里的语言配置项为schinese 3 即可完成EldenRing的语言修改
guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Endorsements 12 Unique DLs 224 Total DLs 559 Total views 22,348 Version 8.3 Download: Manual Last updated ...
Breadcrumbs elden-ring-ar-calculator / tailwind.config.tsTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 80 lines (78 loc) · 2.13 KB Raw import type { Config } from "tailwindcss"; const config = { darkMode: ["class"], content: [ "./pages/**/*.{ts,tsx}", "./components/**/*.{ts...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -5,131 +5,43 @@ [](https://github.com/veeenu/eldenring-practice-tool/blob/main/LICENSE) [ Open config_eldenring.toml in Notepad and look for the line starting with "external_dlls = ...". Add the mod to the list: external_dlls = [ "ermerchant.dll...
If you are using a manual installation of Mod Engine 2, either replace the "config_eldenring.toml" file in the Mod Engine 2 folder, or edit it and add the above "randomizerhints" mod line.Merging with other mods is outside the scope of these instructions, but in the toml file, "...
File recovery tool that backs up your save file before every action Create save and load backups Create save slots for various builds before respec etc. Update to the latest release with included updater Force quit EldenRing when the game locks up and even task manager wont end the process ...
Extract to "mods" folder in Elden Ring's game directory using Elden Mod Loader To use the Sekiro Posture Bar version, rename "PostureBarModConfig - SekiroBar.ini" to "PostureBarModConfig.ini" after removing the file with that name.