Just before the boss arena you may have the summon sign for Old Knight Istvan (not always there), if it’s available summon him for a significantly easier fight, take care of the minions while he engages the chiefs, then help him out with melee or magic, he is a good distraction and ...
Boss Name Boss Location Boss Rewards Cleanrot Knight Stillwater Cave (Southern Liurnia) Winged Sword Insignia Bloodhound Knight Lakeside Crystal Cave (Southern Liurnia) Cerulean Amber Medallion Erdtree Burial Watchdog Cliffbottom Catacombs (Southern Liurnia) Kaiden Sellsword Ashes Crystalian Raya Lucari...
艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 126 圆桌骑士 维克 / Vyke, Knight of the Round / 龙雷 3.3万 4 01:02 App 【补档】艾尔登之王也要被我站起来登 87 0 00:58 App 艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 51 玛莲妮亚的尊腐骑士 / Cleanrot Knight Duo / 腐败双骑士 81 0 01:16 App 艾尔登...
艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 51 玛莲妮亚的尊腐骑士 / Cleanrot Knight Duo / 腐败双骑士 73 -- 1:58 App 艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 149 接肢 葛孚亚 / Godefroy the Grafted / 葛孚雷的雕像 43 -- 1:10 App 艾尔登法环 / Elden Ring BOSS战 119 双恶兆孪生子 / 2 x Fell Twin...
Cleanrot Knight的正确翻译应当是「净腐骑士」,象征与玛莲尼亚共同对抗腐败之意。然而游戏汉化中不知为何翻译成了「尊腐骑士」,让人误以为这些骑士亲近猩红腐败。 同时,玛莲妮亚还是双指选中的神人。她背负的律法大家想必都能猜到了:此为猩红腐败女神的腐败与轮回律法。 据说,当艾奥尼亚之花在她身上绽放三次,也...
Cleanrot Knight的正确翻译应当是「净腐骑士」,象征与玛莲尼亚共同对抗腐败之意。然而游戏汉化中不知为何翻译成了「尊腐骑士」,让人误以为这些骑士亲近猩红腐败。 同时,玛莲妮亚还是双指选中的神人。她背负的律法大家想必都能猜到了:此为猩红腐败女神的腐败与轮回律法。 据说,当艾奥尼亚之花在她身上绽放三次,也...
Legendary Ashen Remains #5: Cleanrot Knight Finlay Collected from a chest in Elphael – seeHow to reach Elphael. After the Prayer Room site of grace head straight, then you can jump off a balcony to an arch on the right, from there to a little plaza with a pagoda, to the left of...
Going into the previous room, head into the sheltered portion, and around the corner, to the left, you'll see a narrow tunnel leading out to a non-boss encounter against a Cleanrot Knight. Before proceeding up the stairs to the left after taking out the Knight, grab theGrave Glovewort...
Cleanrot Knight enemies inCaelid. Defeating these enemies will drop the armor pieces one by one. Of course, in the early game, Caelid enemies are among the toughest in Elden Ring, so this will be no picnic. To find Cleanrot Knights, players can look in Aeonia Swamp or inside the War...
Rapier Estoc Noble's Estoc Cleanrot Knight's Sword Rogier's Rapier Antspur Rapier Frozen Needle Carian Sorcery SwordCollapse Heavy Thrusting Swords Great Epee Godskin Stitcher Queelign's Greatsword Bloody Helice Dragon King's CragbladeSword Lance ...