Here are the locations to get all of the Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring, and the best places to unlock with them for valuable rewards.
Elden Ring 的 Leyndell Capital 在发布前发生了很大变化 自推出以来,Elden Ring收到了许多更新,包括完成任务线、更好地平衡武器、改进了一些 QoL 等等。其中一些变化非常受欢迎,比如Elden Ring地图上的NPC标记,而另一些则像双头boss变化一样小而隐藏。 ELDEN RING AHEAD 的扰流板大大小小的,有各种各样的更新,包括...
Leyndell, Royal Capital is a Legacy Dungeon you can encounter in the Altus Plateau area in Elden Ring. It is a massive, labyrinthine city with powerful enemies, multiple bosses, and many treasures. This page will contain walkthrough and guide information on how to reach Leyndell, all the ...
Capital City – Outer Wall Phantom Tree (2x) Golden Seed As you’ve begun to explore the Atlus Plateau you’ll ultimately find The Royal Capital, Leyndel on the eastern side. If you make your way past the many difficult guards to the first Site of Grace you’ll also find a sapling w...
Elden Ring Mohg, the Omen Location To get to Mohg the Omen, players need to go toSubterranean Shunning Grounds. You will start from the Lane Dell Capital City by reaching the Avenue Balcony site of grace. Follow the map image below to reach the exact location. ...
Auriza Side Tomb is a small Dungeon in Elden Ring that you will find in the Leyndell Capital City, Altus Plateau. You will encounter many small pot enemies, and a boss here called Grave Warden Duelist. You have to kill that boss to get the Soldjars of Fortune Ashes. ...
Continue to the top of the stairs to encounter a group of Wandering Nobles and a Lost Ashes of War, however, the doors to the capital are closed tight. Backtrack down to the illusionary tree and head up the ridge to the northwest to find some large gravestone with Rainbow Stone x4 and...
Makar fight. This is another two-part fight where you have to find the other location it flies to. The first fight is close to the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, and the second part is further up in the Altus Plateau, closer to the capital city, next to the Sainted Hero’s Grave....
Welcome to the Elden Ring Walkthrough for the Leyndell, Royal Capital region! Leyndell is the main location you are making your way to from the start of the story, and the first area you have to actually fight a boss to get into, as well as requiring you have beaten at least 1 prio...
After this bossfight, you will be granted access to Leyndell, Capital City, which is the Legacy Dungeon of this location. There are two bosses in this dungeon that you have to defeat: Godfrey, First Elden Lord and Morgott, the Omen King. After you’ve defeated the two bosses, there ...